Before I started thinking about it and analyzing it more and more, I've always had a feeling that I, as well and everyone else, am surrounded and fed intense amounts of bullshit. It hasn't been until recently that I've really forced myself to look at it, study it, and eventually learn from it. It's really easy to ignore it and go about living your life without ever thinking about it, but what you fail to realize is that ignoring it only allows for it to seep into your brain and begin taking control. Do me a favor and turn on your t.v. right now. There's a good chance that what you're looking at right now is 80% bullshit if not completely bullshit (unless you're watching the history channel, which in that case, the number drops to about 30%). The acting, the fashion, the skewed editing on "reality shows", "reality shows" in general, the commercials, the fake breasts, the dyed hair, the make-up, the "typical" 20-30 year old men, the idiot husbands and overly witty wives, the so-called "role models" and celebrities that everyone holds up as some idol to be worshipped: bullshit stacked on top of bullshit with a big steaming side of diarrhea.
They say that the demographic for most advertising on t.v. is 20 to 30 year old men (give or take a few years), so next time when you're watching t.v., pay close attention to everything and not just the commercials. The only reason that show is on the air is not because they think it's a great show, but because they have to have a reason for you to watch that station in order for you to see their commercials. Then there are the shows that are about commercials, which is some kind of fucked up paradox that can create a black hole that sucks everything into it, crushes it into a ball, pisses on it, and shoots it straight to hell, but for some odd reason it has chosen not to do so.
You might be thinking, "yeah, but what does that have to do with me?"
No matter what you think, the people who are in charge of putting everything on television and in magazines and any other form of meaningless media that saturates this world have completely fucked your life up. How many girls are there out there that are constantly worried about how they look whenever they go out and how many of the others are often ignored or looked down upon by their peers? I'm sure the majority goes to the former. How many guys out there watch sports and porn, care more about their car than they do their relationships (who cares about relationships when you're going to get so much pussy with that sweet ride, eh?), go out to bars and hit on the women solely based on wanting to fuck them, think their success and status are based on their job and how much money they make or even the size of their dicks?
I'm not saying that I'm above all of this and that I've conquered the bullshit of the world, but I'm starting to see it all clearly. I still watch t.v. and sit through the commercials like the good little demographic that I am, only now I find myself getting more and more fed up and finding less and less things worthy of watching.
This world is a sad and confused place and nobody wants to take the time to look at it for what it truly is because they know it will make them depressed or angry. Sometimes I think about how wonderful it might be if I could go back and be ignorant and not have my brain hurt anymore and had never seen any of it, but then I realize how sad my life would be. It may sound like I just contradicted myself, but you must understand that you have to go through the anger and depression and annoyance of seeing everything for what it truly represents in order to appreciate and find happiness in the things that aren't tainted by the shit of the world. That's when you can go back to ignoring the bullshit.
I don't know why the world is like this. Perhaps it's some test from god in order for us to really get the most out of life and the people we know and love. Perhaps we're just some kind of evolution gone horribly and utterly wrong. Perhaps I'm the bullshit and I've just gotten carried away by it all, annoying the pureness of the world. I'm hoping for the first, but nobody really knows anything. There's no proof of the existence of a god and no proof of the non-existence of a god. Everyone is just (cheesy metaphor ahead) floating along the river of life, heading towards a plummet down the shit waterfall and not having a care in the world, while only a small percentage is trying to fight the current. They want to get out of that poo river and warn everyone of the waterfall ahead while being careful of not getting pulled back in.
Agh... my brain just took a crap.