Pulp Fun

Aug 23, 2006 22:49

As a subscriber to the Pulp_Games yahoogroup, I received the following notification that The Pulp E-Zine at http://ca.groups.yahoo.com/group/pulp_ezine/ has begun a writing contest starting this week.

The following guidelines were posted:

Pulp E-zine Adventure writers Contest
Submit a Mini adventure suitable for use in a Pulp oriented game. This may be a Role-playing or a Miniatures styled adventure.

The adventure should be no more than 3000 words. Maps and map legends are not included in the word count. try to be as generic as possible in regard to Stats etc. the less system specific the better that way everyone can mold the adventures to their system of choice (GURPS, Hero system, .45 adventure, Two-fisted tales, Top Secret/SI, Dime Heroes, Thrilling tales, Etc.)

Entrants have their choice of three adventure templates. each adventure must include aspects of all bulleted points.

The first adventure is a Murder Mystery and must include the following :

  • San Francisco's Chinatown
  • politicians
  • A mad scientist
  • gunrunning

    The second is a Two Fisted Adventure and must include the following:

  • an ancient monastery
  • kidnappers
  • the supernatural
  • civil war Spain
    The third choice is an Espionage Adventure and must include the following:

  • An aerial dogfight (using airplanes, zeppelins, auto-gyros, and/or rocket-packs)
  • Hawaii
  • A Volcano
  • A Russian Countess
    Entries must be received no later than midnight Pacific standard time on September 23rd.

    Winners will be announced on October 7th.

    There will be prizes (to be announced) awarded for First, Second, and third place entries. All submitted entries will be made available in the files section for all to enjoy.
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