Jan 30, 2009 09:54
In an effort to catch up, with the help of an at-home filmfest last Saturday, I watched 10 movies (plus one short) this week. As a result, the movie-a-day post will be split into 2-3 parts over the weekend. First part up tonight. (Plus, watch another movie). I've been getting distracted on Thursdays the last couple weeks because "Burn Notice" is back with new episodes, and I just can't wait the extra day. Also, I caught the first two eps of "Wolverine and the X-Men" last night, the latest animated iteration (from Canada and France, with some West German money thrown in) of the Marvel mutant franchise. Not bad at all, though not quite in the BTAS ballpark (what is?). Spike Spiegel is Wolverine!
Work was mildly brutal this week, which is my official excuse for not getting a head start on the movie reviews. Instead, I finally broke in the wok I got for Christmas, a lovely lightweight cast-iron thing. Spent an hour Monday washing, re-washing, re-re-washing and seasoning it. Cooked some lefotver broccoli in it Tuesday morning, and did likewise with some leftover baby carrots last night. That's one veggie party tray accounted for. Also made a second attempt at home-made pizza on Wednesday, once again proving that I know nothing about making pizza. It was, at least, dissatisfying in a manner totally different than the last time I tried, so that's a kind of progress.
Off to work soon, back tonight with movie-a-day.