Dad Watch : 2006 : Day 2 Pulpie says...

Jan 24, 2006 19:08

So for those of you out of the loop, allow me to explain the exact type of surgery my father had.

As many of you remember, my dad had a hemorrhaging ulcer in July of 2004. He spent 2 months in the hospital, and when all was said and done, he had to have 2/3 of his stomach removed. He had incisions from 2 separate operations. One ran the length of his stomach starting as his sternum, down to his belly button. The other ran laterally from his belly button around his right side.

It's the one that goes from his belly button to his side that was the culprit. There was a pencil eraser sized hole towards the side where for some reason, it never healed up all the way. It's been constantly open, constantly oozing. They wanted to make sure the rest of him was all healed up before they would go in to fix it.

They couldn't just sew it shut, they had to go in to find out why it didn't close. So yesterday, they reopened the incision about 4 inches. They dug down in there to find a single seam of tissue that never healed. This seam lead from the surface of the skin all the way down through the fatty tissue, to a seroma just above the hole. Basically a little pocket of air and ooze in the skin and a duct that led to the hole, thus keeping the whole open all the time.

I hope that makes sense.

So basically they went in, found all this, closed it up, fixed him, and in theory, he won't have any more problems.

Thanks again for everybody's concern. I've been passing them on to my dad, and he's thankful. We're chillin' out watching tv. Good times... good times.

May The Fonz Be With You
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