Busy, busy, busy...

Dec 02, 2009 11:04

So today is my last day of vacation and it will be spent in class or studying for tonight's finals. Sadly my week just went by too fast to get several things done that I would have liked to get started on. Redesigning the ISS website jumps to mind. Plus doing some more x-mas shopping.

Classes this quarter have gone well... I have a solid A in my Cisco course. In fact I think that I could miss my final and still get an A thanks to some extra credit work I have done. I also have a weak A in my server class with both the final test and the final project due tonight. I had some serious hiccups on Monday with one section of the project, but I managed to work around them, it just took up like 45 minutes to get though it which is a lot out of a 3 hour class. Hopefully tonight I just have a couple very minor things to double check in my user configurations before I call the teacher over and have him grade me. I am guessing 30 minutes and we have however much time tonight as we have left in the in the class after we complete out test. I am a little worried on the final test, but I should be okay. Out of 200 points between the final project and written test I figure that I need to score 179 points to keep my full A. I am betting that I can get 100 on the project, and that the final test is going to be 100 questions. 20 true/false and 80 multiple choice... Hopefully a walk in park :)


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