What a fun Monday and hopefully so on Thursday

May 04, 2009 22:47

Went and saw the M's lose, and had a blast. It had been a few years, the last time I had been was with my dad. I really had forgotten how much going to a game could be, and the game was close which kept it fun. My mom had got me the tickets for my birthday in one of the "club" seating areas where you can just order food from your chair and such. It was pretty awesome. Even went and ate at the "Hit it Here Cafe" which I had wanted to do since Safeco Field had opened. Awesome onion rings BTW.

Anyway it was a ton of fun and I hope to go to another game or two this year. Hopefully see Griffy bat as he was not playing tonight.

I am hoping for a fun Thursday night as well. Going to see the New Trek movie at 9:55 at the Everett 16. If you want to join Ria, myself and possibly a few others feel free. Our tickets are for the DLP theater which is auditorium 7. We are targeting getting there before 8:30 but with Ria having class and needing food we might be a tad late.

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