I used to not care one iota about Marilyn Monroe. She was just another face, another star, and one that was in all those movies I didn't want to see/hadn't bothered watching. I'm still no expert. But there are two fantastic films that I love and adore and could never live without (and a couple of others that would make life difficult to comprehend without their existence, though they're not necessarily essential.)
I'm not going to wax poetic about these films, mostly because I have a website I could do that on if I wanted. But I did want to share here, with my close friends who probably won't check this for months (if ever) and with the oldest form of my writing still in existence on the 'Net, my favorite little performance from the gone-too-soon goddess.
She's ephemeral - once in a lifetime. And as I get older, I appreciate her more. There is no one in movies like her today, and who could be - Charlize Theron isn't big enough a star, Cate Blanchett maybe comes closest, but she's too good at being characters that aren't intrinsically, indelibly her. No, there is no equal today.
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If you're still paying any attention to this at all, the two essentials are THE MISFITS and SOME LIKE IT HOT. GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES and THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH are the two I'd be most sad to lose otherwise.
Happy Birthday, Norma Jean.