I'm never again going to schedule a haircut appointment in the a.m. I should have known mornings weren't her best time from her silence. My hair stylist is normally bubbly and full of frivolous questions. She knicked me pretty badly with the shears and I have two dark red spots on my neck which, upon CLOSE-examination, looks exactly like a hickey. I couldn't find any collared shirts to wear to school, so I had to wear my coat during the lecture.
I'm really scared of this Biology test. I know about 20% of the material so far. The professor made a passing reference to the 20% I know and she began her comment with "you guys still remember hydrolisis, right?" as though it was eons ago, reminding me how far behind I really am. Since I don't have to work today, I may go home and sleep for a few hours, and then read a chapter from my Sociology book.
Even though it looks kind of cheesy, I'm looking forward to seeing the latest Wes Craven/Kevin Williamson collaboration: Cursed. (