Second City Wrestling - Episode 1

Jul 09, 2018 20:04

We decided that our promotion would be called Second City Wrestling, out of Chicago, and that the show would be set in the late 1990’s. The episode was the first tv show after a pay-per-view called The Ides of March, and the promotion was building to their next event, Summer of Slam. The players made characters, and we wound up with:

Ben Jerusalem (Paul) - A golden boy of the promotion, a good-looking young dude that the promoters see as having a very bright future with the company, so they’re trying to build him up so that he can draw money. He looks like Mark McGrath from Sugar Ray and uses a Five-Star Frog Splash as his finisher. At the previous event, Jerusalem had triumphed over The Apostle, a man who believes wrestling is sinful and has vowed to beat all other wrestlers so badly that the sport is finished.

Baron von Krushenberg (Greg) - Essentially a fabulously wealthy chickenshit heel. BVK relies mostly on his gimmick and promo work to get over with the crowd, being fairly basic when the bell rings. However, his entrance is incredibly elaborate, involving driving to the ring in a limo, having attendants remove his jacket and then tear his tuxedo shirt sleeves off, then ripping his own pants off and stepping into the ring on the back of a servant. His entrance music is “Puttin’ on the Ritz.” At the previous event he defeated hardcore hero Risk through nefarious means.

La Bruja (Jenni) - A huge, super-muscular female heel, sort of a cross between Brock Lesnar and the Undertaker, with kind of a supernatural Mexican vibe. She wears a mask that I picture is kind of a Day of the Dead thing. I forget her exact theme, but I think it was by Kanye West. Her finisher is a move where she grabs the victim by the throat with both hands and lifts them into the air, then lets go and clotheslines them as they fall to the ground. I also can’t remember who she had defeated the previous night.

Candy Crusher (Cassie) - A tiny masked female wrestler who builds sympathy by taking a beating, then builds her comeback with high-flying moves. So kind of like a female Rey Mysterio. Her theme music is “Just a Girl” by No Doubt. I can’t remember who she’d defeated the previous night.

We wrapped up the recap of the previous event by explaining that SCW Champion Ace Darling had fought off the challenge of yet another monstrous heel, this time a big fat dude calling himself Mastodon.

The show opened up with promoter Mr. Kevin McElroy noting that Ace Darling was getting the night off after his grueling match the night before, but he introduced another crowd favorite - Ben Jerusalem! Jerusalem gave an interview talking about how he’d had some quality competition the night before and was looking forward to his next challenge. McElroy told Jerusalem he was putting him in the main event that night, but because the people demanded it, Jerusalem would have another match right there and then! McElroy said he’d just completed negotiations to bring in a hot new act - The Big Time! Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy” hit, and a man in shiny ring attire came out…but upon seeing the crowd and the quality of the building and his opposition, said he couldn’t bring himself to compete in such a pathetic place. He demanded that his music be cut, and left in protest. Flustered, McElroy demanded that someone else come down to give Jerusalem a match, at which point La Bruja’s music hit.

Match 1: La Bruja v. Ben Jerusalem
Result: No contest.

La Bruja came down to ringside and used some theatrics to disappear in a puff of smoke, then show up behind Jerusalem and take him down with a flurry of punches. As Jenni didn’t realize the match was a work at first, brother, we had to talk her out of immediately trying to use concealed brass knuckles to brain young Ben, but soon enough she got the jist of it. Jerusalem took the advantage in the match with a dropkick to the leg, but did some showboating, allowing Bruja to dump him over the top rope to the floor. Back inside, Bruja removed her cape and threw it in the referee’s face to blind him, then conspicuously took out brass knuckles and tried to KO Jerusalem, hitting the ref by accident. A bunch of other refs ran to the ring, and the match was thrown out in the fracas. Bruja was dragged to the back, beating up officials all the while.

The next match was announced as Baron von Krushenberg vs. Candy Crusher. The Baron was interviewed and assured the interviewer that he had nothing to fear from Candy.

Match 2: Baron von Krushenberg v. Candy Crusher
Result: Krushenberg KO Candy with sleeper.

Candy came down to the sounds of No Doubt and got the crowd excited. The Baron followed with his elaborate entrance, including a small group of obviously paid-off fans cheering for him as the rest booed. “Every boo is a dollar in my pocket!” After a quick flurry of offense from Candy, BVK rolled to the outside, then tripped Candy, dragged her to the outside, and gave her a suplex on the floor. Candy fought from underneath, but made her comeback to the delight of the fans. However, just as it looked like she would put the Baron away, some of his cronies distracted the ref, giving him the chance to smash her in the head with his monogrammed walking stick. Rather than just pin her, he slapped his patented submission hold onto her carcass, and the ref stopped the match since she was unable to continue. Greg did a great job getting into character and hamming up his villainous persona, and Cassie also got into it by being genuinely saddened when I told her she had to do the job in the match.

After the match, we cut to the back, where Ben Jerusalem was, as previously promised, going into the main event. McElroy raised the stakes by making it a match for a shot at Ace Darling’s championship! Just then, BVK sauntered in, demanding a shot at the belt by virtue of the fact that he’d just defeated yet another victim! Still clutching her head, Candy showed up to plead her case, noting that BVK’d had to cheat to defeat her, as everyone in the arena had seen! La Bruja was next, noting that since Jerusalem hadn’t been able to beat her, why should he get a shot before her? McElroy was flustered, and said “fine, you’re in the match” to one after another of the angered wrestlers, continuing past La Bruja and adding American Al to the match as well, who’d simply been nearby eating a sandwich. McElroy raised the stakes even higher, noting that if they all wanted the title so badly, they’d better put up or shut up - that said, the person getting the win would be the #1 contender, but the person to get pinned would be fired!

Main Event: Ben Jerusalem v. BVK v. Candy Crusher v. La Bruja v. American Al - #1 Contender’s Match
Result: Candy pin American Al with 630 Splash.

La Bruja started things off by clearing the ring. She slammed Jerusalem into the corner to continue their rivalry from earlier in the show. Candy ran in and jumped onto Bruja’s back, so Bruja climbed the ropes and gave her a Death Valley driver from the middle rope! I can’t remember the exact sequence, but the match actually flowed pretty well for a multi-person match including an NPC. I know that at one point Bruja and Al wound up on the floor, so Jerusalem gave them a running moonsault from the ringpost. Candy followed that up with a corkscrew plancha onto the whole pile. As folks struggled to their feet, Jerusalem and Candy teamed up to put BVK through a table with a Hart Attack, after which he writhed in agony and had his men take him to the back with a custom stretcher (apparently deciding that he’d rather avoid getting fired than try to win the title shot). With everyone down, American Al crawled his way into the middle of the ring, clutching an American flag…only for the Big Time to reappear and hit Al with his finisher, the Show Stopper! Ben and Bruja both managed to make the save, and things started to break down again. Bruja wound up putting Candy in a figure-four, so Ben used that opportunity to hit Bruja with a Five-Star Frog Splash! The parade of finishers began, as American Al gave Ben an American Elbow (salute into elbowdrop). Candy took Al down and hit him with a 630 Splash, but Big Time gave her a Show Stopper to break that up. Bruja in turn hit Big Time with her finisher, but before she could cover Ben speared her through the ropes to the floor, where the two continued brawling. Al covered Big Time, but Candy hit him with another 630 to the back and got the pin! After the match, Al stomped on his American tophat in a rage. Ace Darling came out to the top of the ramp, held up his title, looked at it, and nodded at Candy.


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