In response to tardiness, "If I'm not here then where the hell am I."

Mar 18, 2005 04:20

Email 1:

There is no class on Thursday (Study Day before Finals begins). Our next class meeting will be Tuesday, March 22 for the Final Exam (be on time if not a little early). You may come either at 3 pm or 6:30 pm. You may take the quix along with the exam at that time. HW #9 and the optional extra credit Black Hole assignment will be due at that time.

Dana Rush

Email 2:


I seem to recall that I have previously warned you about pushing the time limits on homework due dates (as I have with a couple others). I did not find your assignment on my e-mail until today because I left after the evening class was over at 9:30 pm. I told everyone e-mailed assignments must get to me by 9 pm on the due date to be considered on time. Everyone had 5 days since the previous assignment was due to get this one done (and that included a weekend when there are no classes). Your assignment will have a 50% penalty applied for being late.

I'm sure you were not concentrating on getting your car running for those whole 5 days and your father's birthday was only on Tuesday so there is no excuse for why you couldn't have gotten this assignment done sometime before Tuesday. The same rules have to be applied to everyone for the class to be fair to everyone. Last minute emergencies like car breakdowns and family events are pretty lame excuses for not getting things done on time, when you can e-mail assignments.

You're going to have to learn a lesson about procrastination because once you leave school and start working to pay for rent, groceries, insurance, and so on your bosses won't be putting up with it and you could end up losing a job. That's when it will really matter so you better start practicing now.

Dana Rush


Funny enough this guy is my new favorite teacher, even if he misspelled quiz. His 'lessons' probably apply to me more then I make it seem, but I have totally passed him off as I have done with my whole college career. What a beautiful day.

We are having a garage sale. Come if you can afford the gas to reach our endless piles of crap. As I was browsing my family members stash's of by-gones in search of saving something (because there is always something to save)I realized my mom was cool and maybe, quite possibly still is. Something which used to be so much more had become a monetary figure (if what she would have gotten for them was an amount of any substantial value). I would'nt have it. There is no way I would let her sell a box full of lives which came together to make her own, especially if it would be dispersed in a this and that manner. Now that I have a half loaded collection of priceless records I can listen to the beat of life previously thought to have been wasted. In the mean time, they will be organized.

"Maybe there's 4 dimensions instead of 4 and acid puts you into the 4th, like being insane. People who are mentally ill arn't in 'reality' but the [sic] must be somewhere. Acid kind of simulates insanity, so if you could find out how to get to this 4th dimension you could also find out how to get back. Maybe mentally ill people are trapped in this 4th dim. and don't know how to get out. Just think you could let a lot of people back in to 'reality' if only you knew the road out of insanity."

My life was handed to me on a lyric through the pen of those who have sought and fought for something I have wine and dined to for far too long. Besetting words that make light of cheap parallax. What a beautiful world.

"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun see how they fly, I'm crying
Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come
Corporation teashirt, stupid bloody tuesday man
You've been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen
I am the walrus, Goo Goo Goo JOOB."

When all is said and done, there will be no one left to say all is said and done.

Lets stare into the black hole together...

Oh and VNVNATION is coming to the Showbox and I will be there.
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