Your gender:: Girl.
Straight/Gay/Bi:: Straight?
Single?: nope.
If not, do you want to be?: being single is overrated.
Birthdate::October 11
Your age:: 16
Age you act:: not 16..
Age you wish you were:: 17.. ( with a car, boyfriend, all my friends my job, but still living at home.sounds good to me.)
Your height:: 5’ 2
Eye color:: blue
Happy with it?: yeaaa
Hair color:: just dyed it back blonde
Happy with it?:: yea it looks cool.
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Righty
Your living arrangement::Mother and one Brother. live with me.
Your family:: mother, two brothers.
Have any pets?:: 2 poodles
Whats your job?:: Hostess at ricuitiss in Olney.
Piercings?: 4 gadges in Ears
Tattoos?: Not yet...
Obsessions?: south park, edgar allen poe, and the perfume shanee got for me.. escada island kiss, and my poncho..
Addictions?: being online, cookie dough, werthers, southpark, mar-a-juanna
Do you speak another language?: a little spanish
Have a favorite quote?: right now... is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream
Do you have a webpage?: eljay and myspace
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: when the moment arrives, sure
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? depends how cool they are
Do you have any secrets?: haha.. a few
Do you hate yourself?: no.. i think im awesome
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: death isnt a bad thing, love is an illusion.
What do you like the most about your body?: how skinny i am, and my eyes, and i LOVE my nose.
And least?: my legs.. i never wear shorts bc i hate legs in general.
Do you think you are good looking?: who cares? im not ugly.
Are you confident?: haha maybe a little too confident?
Do You...
Smoke?: ew no
Do drugs?: yes
Read the newspaper?: sometimes
Pray?: sometimes..
Go to church?: im jewish.. but ive been to church.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: yes.
Talk to people even though you hate them?: no. if i hate soemone i dont waste my time
Drive?: i have my learners
Like to drive fast?: i like it.. but im scared bc im SO close to getting my liscence.. i dont want to mess that up.
Would or Have You Ever?
Hurt yourself?: i used to slap myself really hard when i was high i
thought i was "fixing" myself... imnot a lunchbox anymore though.
Been out of the country?: yea
Been in love?: haha yea..
Done drugs?: many a time
Gone skinny dipping?: yes.. hahahah goood times this summer.
Had a medical emergency?: when iw as little
Had surgery?: on my finger
Ran away from home?: nah.. im not THAT melodramatic
Played strip poker?: does strip hacky-sac count?
Gotten beaten up?: meghan and shanee beat me up all the time *sniff*
Beaten someone up?: of course i always end up beating them up harder. bwaha
Been on stage?: when i was younger i was in a few plays.. and i had a few dance recitals.
Slept outdoors?: yeaa.. but not for the longest time.
Thought about suicide?: haha from time to time.. its so prominate right now its hard not to.
Pulled an all nighter?: several
If yes, what is your record?: i honestly dont know
Gone one day without food?: it happens all the. sometimes ill just.. forget.. like today. oops.
Talked on the phone all night?: yesss
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yeaa
Slept all day?: no.. but i deffinetly should try that. idk why i never have. hmm
Made out with a stranger?: uhmm... actually yea.. the first time i
hooked up with sumner all i knew was his name.. and that was more than
hooking up.
UGHHH im such a hoebag. haha
Had sex with a stranger?: not that far.
Thought you're going crazy?: i KNOW im going crazy
Kissed the same sex?: yeasss
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: yeasss
Had a dream that came true?: yeasss
Broken the law?: all the time.. probably everyday.
Meta famous person?: tons.
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: noo.. but i know Mr
Kenton.. the armidillo kicking, small animal punching, tadpole sqeezing
lunatic has.
On purpose?: no (does that include bugs??)
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: hmmm. i dont think so. unless it was to someone who could help me fix it?.
Stolen anything?: haha yeaaaaaaa im SUCH a REBEL
Been on radio/tv: i called into DC101 and told them a story about
newyears eve, that i was having sex with my boyfriend and thet my milf
mother came in and joined haha and they aried it. that was funny.hahaaha
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: i beleive in going to a 5th dimension.
Do you think God has a gender? no
Do you believe in organized religion?: no
Where do you think we go when we die?: the 5th dimension
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: just stephy
Who is your best friend(s)?: oh gawd. hannah, shanee, meghan are who i
consider my close girlfriends.. but idk. i have a lot of close friends
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: shanee and hannah
Thing you're picked on most about?: my nose.. although, its so cool, i
dont know how anyone could diss it. and my inability to socialize. im
like socialy retarded most of the time.
Who's your longest known friend?: matt or hannah
Newest?: meghan
Shyest?: harry
Funniest?: their all funny
Sweetest?: i dont know. their allll sweettt eeeeeeeeeeee
Closest?: right now shanee for serious.
Weirdest?: when shanee and i get together with nothing to do.. thngs get weird.
Smartest?: peter
Last person you talked to online?: talking to scott rigth now
Who do you talk to most online?: i really dont know
Who are you on the phone with most?: Brian.. but im not really on the phone all that much.
Who do you trust most?: shanee
Who listens to your problems?: shanee and meg
Who do you fight most with?: hannah.. but i love fighting with her.. i think thats why we're still friends
Who's the most outgoing?: hannah
Who's the best singer?: arian
Who's on your shit-list?: uhh idk
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: ive thought about it.
Who's your second family?: shanee's family
Do you always feel understood?: not at al.. but sometimes things seem less crazy.. i dont feel so weirdl
Who's the loudest friend?: depends.. none of us are all that loud
Do you trust others easily?: not at all.. i was scared to DEATH of
shanee when i first met her. haha and i like froze up when i tried to
talk to her
Who's house were you last at?: hannahs
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: arians..
Do your friends know you?: yea most of them do..the ones i care about do.
Friend that lives farthest away:: hannah and arian live like 30 minutes away.. although.. anna lives in north carolina
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: gah.. it really depends on how you look at it.
What do you find romantic?: a lot of things.
Turn-on?: cute bellys and when a guy doesnt make you pay for everything, and can hold a conversation.
Turn-off?: anyone sketchy. i hate sketchy people.
First kiss?: either erin (i dont remeber his last name) or sam zients i dont remember which was first.
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u
feel?: uhmm id probbaly go on a date with them for the hell of it..
dating isnt like legally binding yourself to someone
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: idk.. going
on dates is fun.. its better to get to know soemone that way than
online.. ebcause people change in person.
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: dude: it really doesnt matter...
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically
unattractive: if someone is attractive to me, i dont care how they look.
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: different to everyone.
What is best about the opposite sex?: their not so high strung, most of the time
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: their lazy.. and they're bad at being fair and reasonable.
Are you in love?: nope
Do you consider your significant other hot?: haha hes cute.
Who Was the Last Person...
You wanted to kill?: amy
That you laughed at?: i dont know.. maybe meghan?
That laughed at you?: scott (laughed at something i said)
That turned you on?: brian.
You went shopping with?: probably shanee
That broke your heart?: Ry
To disappoint you?: hmmm. maybe david for not letting me go to guitar center with him.
To ask you out?: brian
To make you cry?: i make myself cry
To brighten up your day?: not hannah... thats fo sho. i dont know. once charles gets here i dont think things will seem so dark.
That you thought about?: charles
You saw a movie with?: uhh i watched part of big daddy yesterday and at
one point etai joined me and another point zack then shanee joined me.
this has been.. the gloomiest day ever.. its so gross and dark.. and i
completly missed the daylight. blah. its making me so gloomy. hannah is
pissing me off..
i dont know why it bothers me so much...
but i dont liek it when she chills with scott and my brother. i dotn want her to at all.
it just pisses me off.
i mean maybe its stupid.. but i wouldnt chill with like etai without
shanee for instance, because that would eb weird and annoying. and she
wouldnt want me to. and shes like "why are you trying to control who i
chill with" i dont, whatever. i just dont like it.
it really bothers me..
it really gets on my nerves,
i dont know.
shes going to anyways because shedoesnt care about anyone besides herself.
and my little cousins just went into foster care.... so we might try to
clean up a LOT since out house is crazzyy dirty and messy and kid proof
the house so that they can stay with us.
im pretty sure that wont work.. but between my mothers school and child
development at my school we might be able to work somethign out.
i know it will be a lot of work, having them with us.. but id be willing to put money towards them.. i just cant stand to think of them growing up in a foster home.. blah