An update.

Mar 11, 2009 14:17

I've decided that I'm going to start updating my journal more often. I am just soooo busy with everything lately that I hardly have time to do much besides baby duty, work, school and sleep. But that's ok.

Madeline is getting so big. She's already nine months old. Time is flying by so fast. She is so smart and funny. I feel completely blessed to have such a good kid.

She's also very quick and is getting into EVERYTHING. She'll probably be walking soon. She crawls faster than I run, I think. Haha.

Work is going pretty well. They're cutting my hours like crazy so I haven't been working as much, but hopefully that will change within the next few weeks. I'm changing my availability so I can work earlier... which, in essence, sucks balls, but it'll give me more of an opportunity to make money and to prove myself at work.

I'm in my second block of classes. It's very hard to balance time. Steve and I have been having major league ups and downs. A lot has gone on with my life since I've last updated, and I don't really feel like making a public entry about all of that. Maybe I'll make an entry about that later. That'll be a verrrryyy emotionally draining entry... save that for next time she naps.

I've gained like 20 pounds and am starting a new diet to try to take it off. My brother is getting married in like, two months. Arghhh! Lol.

Madeline is crawling over to me right now talking. I think it's almost lunch time. She just woke up from her afternoon nap so she's very energized. She wants to say something:



Yeah. That's all for now. She's hungry lol.
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