muse_shuffle | March Disc Two

Mar 23, 2009 19:28

14. I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growin’ old with you.
I'll miss you, kiss you, give you my coat when you are cold.
Need you, feed you, I'll even let you hold the remote control.
[‘Grow Old With You’ - Adam Sandler]

Co-written with imnodoctor

[Follows THIS]

Riley blindly grabbed any packet of frozen vegetables from the freezer his hand connected with and wrapped a handtowel around it with a small groan of pain. He shuffled over to the kitchen table and eased himself into the closest chair. Holy fuck, what a headache he had. He gently pressed the psuedo coldpack to his eye, whimpering at the coldness of it against the bruises. He had tried to sleep, but the whole side of his head was throbbing and making it impossible. Not to mention the fact he was now more worried than ever about his best friend. He kept the icepack to his face and picked up the two painkillers off the table he had laying in wait beside a glass of water and swallowed them down. He tried to peer at the clock to see the time, but it was blurry without his glasses or contacts, so he gave up. Either way, Evie should be home soon.

Evie's hair was still a mess, and she'd managed to put her t-shirt on inside out. Once word had reached her that Lachlan had punched Riley, she'd barely been able to wait until the end of her shift to get home. Hence the rushing in getting changed and not bothering to clean up much. She let herself into their house and dropped her bag on the floor, started to look around for Riley. The kitchen light was on, so she made a beeline there and let out a sigh of relief as she saw him.

"Oh, thank fuck... Are you okay? Is Lachlan okay? What happened?" She came up to him, fingers skating over the good side of his face as she looked down at him with the pseudo coldpack pressed to his face. "Do you remeber who I am?" she asked, a small smirk on her lips. It really wasn't nice to tease the injured, but she couldn't help it.

"It's fine, I'm fine," Riley assured her hoarsely, looking up at her with his good eye. "He's just got a really fucking good right hook. I've never been on the receiving end of it before. I frightened him. It's my own fault. I should've put a bit more forethought into it on account of how he's been acting lately. I just didn't want to startle him but went on and did just that," he said wryly. "One thing I can be safe in the knowledge of is that my godson is never going to get picked on."

Evie shifted a chair so she could sit close to him, and leaned in to kiss his uncovered cheek. "My poor baby... let me have a look?" She kept her hand on his shoulder and gave a small shake of her head. "I don't understand what's gotten into him. Even Tara doesn't. She's just tired and confused, and can't work out why her husband won't look at her, or anyone."

Riley carefully peeled the pack away to reveal the bruising, sutures and really swollen eye. "He was outside at the place where he got shot. I don't know how long he had been there but I was on my way out for a smoke when I saw him. He was crying. Not just a little bit, either. I put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention and he was so freaked out he just swung and hit me. He didn't know it was me. It was just the place. He was shit scared. He panicked when he realised what he'd done, but thought quick enough to get some gloves from my pocket. I tried to ask him why he was crying, but he looked away again. Wouldn't tell me, so I didn't push it. Something's really upset him and I think it's something that happened the night Tara got drunk." He tentatively touched his cheek and winced.

Evie was looking at him, and wet her lips as she pushed back her hair from her face, the blonde locks getting in her eyes since she hadn't fixed up her ponytail. "It's wrong that I find you incredibly sexy right now, isn't it? And that I'm thinking about riding you on the kitchen table..." She got up to get them both a glass of water and came to sit back down. "She can't even remember that night, so it's not going to be something she'd aware of. Lachlan was the sober one, and now he's got a memory of something Tara can't apologise for until she knows."

"Yes, yes it probably is," Riley laughed softly. "It'll have to stay a fantasy. I'm supposed to be resting." He took a small sip of the water and put the ice pack against his face. "I just can't even think what she's done to get him to this point. He knows as well as anything what stupid things people can do when they're drunk. Hell, he knows Tara. But it's something that's drawn him right back to that place for some reason. He was really upset. I haven't seen him like that in ages."

Evie grinned, and gave a little nod to show that she agreed. Definitely something that would stay a fantasy. At least until he was better. "It has to be something connected to the incident if that's where he's been drawn to... You don't think she said something about him being shot? Maybe she got upset all over again about nearly losing him."

Riley nodded. "Yeah, I guess that would make sense. It's just weird. He usually avoids that place like the plague. I've only really known him to walk by it maybe once since I started working at PPTH. I just can't shake the sense he's ashamed or guilty or embarrassed about something. The way he averts his eyes and avoids eye contact. It's not like him. As long as I've known him, he maintains contact with you through his eyes without fail. It's why he'll make a good counsellor." He scrunched his nose up a little, testing the waters with just how far the pain went. "I asked Tara and she's just as in the dark as the rest of us. To top it all off, Riley's reacting to the tension and won't settle."

Evie settled back in her chair and crossed her legs over, but she placed her hand over Riley's. "It's... it wouldn't be anything to do with Riley, would it? The only thing I've ever known Lachlan to be ashamed of is the fatherhood thing. Even then, it didn't last long. Not when he knew he had given Tara Riley."

"And the scarring," Riley murmured in thought. "He won't let anyone see the scars. But he did give her Riley. I didn't think it was an issue anymore. They were always so ecstatic he was on the way and then they've been top class parents since he arrived. They've been happy. Maybe the first time they've been unconditionally happy since he was hurt. I think that's why he's throwing us all. It's almost like he's gotten bad news. The chick that shot him hasn't been released or anything, has she?"

Evie shook her head. "No, definitely not. We'd have known. It would have been all over the news and PPTH. You know that place can't keep gossip from spreading." She used her free hand to pick up her glass and take a sip of water. "I don't know what it is. I guess none of us will until Lachlan chooses to say something. I just can't understand what would have changed during one night."

"Especially considering she was blinded," Riley added, adjusting the ice pack against his cheek. "Which reminds me, and I don't know why it reminds me... probably because Lachlan smashed my brain into oblivion and everything is all jumbled up now. But Tab wants the twin wedding thing, maybe late April. Luke has already asked his cousin to be Best Man, only, he'll be a Best Man with crutches."

Evie drew her eyebrows together as she looked at her fiance, just a little impressed with his ability to randomly make connections between topics. "Well, that's okay with me. Luke's allowed to have the Best Man he wants. Not like we're keeping things so traditional there can't be crutches. So I guess we're really getting married, huh?" There was a pause as she let the idea set in before a huge grin appeared on her face. "I'm going to be Mrs Browne."

Riley nodded. "Yeah, that's what I told him, so he started going on about mung beans and tomato sauce. His cousin's vegetarian, but so is Pat. Probably others that we aren't sure about, so I guess that's something we need to think about? Plus a venue, you know? It's not that far away. What if we can't get something booked? It seems like there's a whole lot we need to think about and it just makes my head hurt." He smirked at her. "Are you really?" he teased.

"There's plenty of decent vegetarian food that doesn't involve mung beans and tomato sauce. Although your sister might die if she's surrounded by nothing but vegetables. We'll need to organise our dresses, too. And all the suits. We could always have a wedding in the back garden like Rogue and Chase, or even use theirs. Alternatively we try and find something that's free, but we might be pushing our luck. Most places prefer advanced bookings." Evie stretched her legs out and rest her feet in Riley's lap. "Well, I'm not marrying anyone else at the end of April, are you?"

Riley had started out listening closely but by the time her wedding musing came to an end, he was just looking at her in bewilderment trying to file it all away in his aching head. "Can I make my Best Man do all my work?" he asked. "Even if I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to be doing? Just ignore the fact he was clueless to his own wedding."

"Or the fact he's going through something right now?" Evie asked him quietly. "But yeah, you can do that if you want. Are we going to at least choose our rings together?"

Riley frowned. "I was just joking."

Evie's eyebrows went up before she looked at him sheepishly. "Sorry. Hard to tell when I only have one eye to work off. Plus I might still be stuck in my little fantasy. You were very good, by the way."

"I know he's going through something, which is why I'm going to tell him to just turn up on the day and look pretty. Pat's offered to help and I think we should take him up on it. He knows his design shit. We have our own personal Queer Eye there and even in the short time, I think he could help us really make it special. We're just on a stop watch and that's okay. We don't need all the bells and whistles. We just need to know that we're sure we want to do it that quick and I'm sure," Riley insisted.

"I'm sure too," Evie assured him, and rubbed her feet up and down his thighs. "I want to be Mrs Browne, and I want us to do this. It's just a bonus that you get to do it with your sister. I think Pat would be a great help. We should definitely exploit him."

Riley took another small sip of his water and set the glass down, his thumb brushing off some of the condensation. "It's surreal. Weird, even. I always hoped she would find someone she wanted to marry, but I didn't expect it to happen now or simultaneous to me. She's marrying into a huge, rich family too," he said with a small laugh. "What more could a brother want for his sister?"

"Kids?" Evie asked with a soft laugh. "I don't think she's actually grasped that she is marrying into a huge, rich family. It's like she knows, but it doesn't quite seem to factor into it. She's marrying Luke, because he's Luke. No other reason."

"Luke doesn't live with his money much. It's there, but you wouldn't pick him as rich. It's why he works with Tab. It's not a factor for him, either. But it's comforting to know they would have money if ever something went wrong, god forbid. I mean, things can change in the blink of an eye. Look at Riley. It's not going to be cheap having an ill child, but they have the compensation money, so it will be okay. Some people aren't so fortunate." Riley smirked. "Tab isn't ready for kids. Actually, I don't think Luke is either. Maybe they never will be."

Evie nodded. "And it would definitely ease your mind. And maybe you're right, but I'm pretty sure she's ready to dote on your kids. Our kids. And Riley. She's a pretty cool aunt."

Riley sniggered. "She's better with Riley than she can see. I don't think she expected a little ball of flesh his size to actually react to her. But he does. He smiles at her and grabs her fingers. It's hard to keep being suspicious of him when he's letting her know at every turn he's a little person and not a flesh-eating virus."

Evie laughed again as she pulled her hair tie out and let her hair fall down around her shoulders. "I think it's the smiling that keeps getting her defences down. You can see that she doesn't want to like it, but she does. And she always smiles back. I think she'll be fascinated with him when he's older and they can interact a bit more."

"The curiosity is there in him. She just doesn't realise how much like him she was when she was younger. It must be a musician thing. Considering he's been sick since he was born and is still taking in what he does, it's pretty amazing. But then, I think it comes down to how much time you spend with them as a parent. The more you feed them, the more they will learn. The more people that are around them, the more social they'll be. Some parents just have kids to carry around like a trendy iPod but can't be arsed with them when push comes to shove. It's fucked up," Riley said with snort. "Then you've got the sort that think they'll suck as parents and their lives won't fit a baby, but suddenly they find themselves facing the prospect and you can just see they'll be okay..."

Evie shifted and leaned forward as she rest her hands on his legs and looked into his good eye. "We'll be okay, sexy. I know we will. We're always going to be a bit scared, but we're ready. And we'll love them."

Riley smiled at her. "Him or her," he had to correct softly. "I don't think I'll have the energy to try this more than once. I read the information booklets and already get nervous. If it works once, I'll have everything I've always wanted."

"'Them' sounded better than 'it'," Evie responded with a smile. "I don't think I'll have the energy to watch you try this more than once, so I'll be happy with a him, or her. And I'll have everything I ever wanted, too." She took his hand in hers and pressed a kiss to his palm as she grinned. "I really am glad you threw pee on me, Riley Browne."

Riley leaned in and kissed her softly, despite the cold pack between them. "I'm really glad I had pee to throw on you," he said back with a smile. "Almost Mrs Browne."

All muses referenced with permission and are from the princeton2nyc universe

Word Count | 2,627

[ship] imnodoctor (riley/evie), [comm] muse_shuffle, [co-written] imnodoctor, [plot] wedding, [with] imnodoctor, [plot] new beginnings

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