just_muse_me | 1.7.3. Open Book

Aug 31, 2008 22:12

1.7.3. Open Book

Co-written with Evie Miller [imnodoctor]

Evie brushed her hair out of her eyes as she moved through the busy ER. Apparently one of Oncology's patients, Mr. Daly, had wound up down here after collapsing in the middle of a restaurant while celebrating his daughter's birthday. Evie remembered the car salesman, and had honestly hoped that he would have been successful in his remission. He wasn't one of those sleazoids she wanted to slap as soon as he opened his mouth, he was a genuinely pleasant human being, and the reason he sold cars was because he loved automotives. Not because he loved the commissions.

She cleared her throat as she stepped out of the way of one of the ER doctors rushing through with their focus clearly on a patient, not on any nurses about to get run down. Of course, Evie had forgotten that even if you stepped out of the way of one doctor you usually wound up in the way of another. She swore softly as she bumped into someone, and started to feel liquid soaking through her scrubs top. That was never a good sign. She closed her eyes and quietly prayed. "Please tell me it's coffee."

Riley froze, a urine bottle in his hand with now no more than half an inch of his much-needed specimen sloshing in the bottom of it. It was never going to be enough for pathology. "Shit!" he cursed, first for the loss of his specimen more than anything. He'd been trying to get this kid to pee for no less than three and a half hours. His first day back had been hectic and he had yet to manage even a cigarette break.

He realised then where the rest of the sample had gone and he held his free hand up. "Oh. Ohhhh, bollocks. No, not coffee, I'm afraid," he said, wincing.

Evie kept one eye shut as she opened the other slowly to look at the guy who'd just made her the wrong kind of wet. She screwed up her nose, and made a face. "Of course it isn't. Fuck it. I don't care if nurses are supposed to be soft and cuddly, it still doesn't mean I enjoy random bodily fluids thrown on me."

Riley quickly set the bottle down into a nearby sink and peeled some paper towel from the dispenser on the wall. "I didn't actually throw it on you. Do you know how hard it is to get a four year old to piss on demand? This was more prized to me than if House came down and peed gold into my specimen jar," he said with a sigh. He went to help her wipe her scrubs, but paused and just handed her the towels. He didn't think this woman would appreciate a complete stranger sponging her breasts down, whether he caused the dampness or not.

"I'm sorry," he finally offered wryly. "This is my first day back and I feel like I'm going a little nuts. Okay, a lot nuts, but this is PPTH ER, so it’s not overly surprising."

Evie sighed, and pointed at the urine bottle. "Might as well hold it, so I can try and wring out some of this specimen for you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you of throwing it at me, and I certainly didn't mean to get in the way of your hard work." She reached for a box of latex gloves and pulled a couple free.

She looked him over again, blue eyes sparkling. Stranger, or not, she probably wouldn't have turned down his sponging her breasts. He was definitely cute. "First day back? Stress leave, or vacation?"

"If only," he said with a small laugh, but knew the specimen was well and truly compromised now.

He washed his hands and pulled on some gloves so he could help her at least by taking the soiled towels off her. He glanced up, clearing his throat. "Sick leave. I, uh, was stabbed with a needle by one of my patients here eight weeks ago. I've been off since."

"Oh yeah, I guess I've fucked it up, huh?" Evie gave him an apologetic smile and started to dry herself off as she best she could. "Want me to try and help you get the kid to take a whiz again? I know I don't like having fluids tipped, spilled, or thrown at me, but I'm pretty good at coaxing them out of someone."

Her forehead creased delicately and she licked her lips as she gazed at him before her eyes dropped to her soiled top. "The elusive Dr. Browne, I presume?"

"Would you?" Riley asked gratefully. "This kid is a great little lad, but all he did was laugh at me when I tried to coax him to pee for me. Not to mention explaining how he needed to pee in the bottle."

He was taken aback a little at the comment, but he knew it wasn't her fault. He'd been getting funny looks all morning, most sympathetic, some clearly wondering why the fuck he was back. He didn't know the complete answer to the latter himself, so he just kept professional and so far, pouring pee on this poor nurse had been the only hiccup. Touch wood. "I, uh... yes, that's me. It's hard to believe I've been a pinup boy for staff safety with needlesticks. I've spent the last few weeks in a haze of my own issues. It's nice to meet you, Nurse..." he trailed off, realising he didn't know her name.

She bit back laughter, and just nodded. "Sure. I really don't mind. I just need to find Mr. Daly first, and then I can help you out. It sounds silly, but the trick is to get the kids to think it's a game. They won't do anything unless there's something in it for them."

Evie handed him a handful of damp paper towel before getting a few fresh sheets. "That was a bit rude, wasn't it? I've never been especially tactful except when it counts with the patients. I know it must seriously suck for you, and I'm sorry. It's understandable that you'd be focused on yourself right now. Nurse Miller. Evie Miller. I'm from Oncology, so I'll forgive you for not knowing who I am."

Riley discarded the towels into the contaminated waste. "Do you have spare scrubs? I have some in my locker, but I don't know how much use to you they'll be. And how do you make taking a pee a game? Now you just have me intrigued," he laughed. "Does it work the same for getting rid of an unwanted erection?"

"It wasn't rude. I just feel like I've been under a rock for longer than I wanted. It wasn't a good time for me, maybe still isn't. I still have over three weeks to wait for my results." He handed her some more towels, but it was just a nervous action because of the subject at hand. "Oncology? You'd work with my best mate's wife. Or, at least, you would have before she went on leave. And considering everything, you probably know him too."

"Yeah, I have spare scrubs but they're up a few floors. Getting changed will just have to wait." She smirked at his question regarding an unwanted erection. "Are you asking for the patient's benefit, or your own?"

"So are you out from under the rock, or what? You shouldn't have to stay under it, in my opinion. People around here love gossip, but fuck them. And just so you know, you never made my rumour mill." She took the extra towel with a smile, and huffed out a breath to get the loose strands of hair out of her eyes. Her blonde locks always had a habit of falling out no matter what she did. "Tara? I was one of her bridesmaids, so yeah I know her and Lachlan. I get shoved on night shifts for a couple of months and suddenly everyone's back in hospital for all the wrong reasons. That's what I get for sleeping through the days."

"The patient is four," Riley said with a smirk. "I have a problem on my hand if it's for him."

He leaned against the wall with a smile. "I'm one of the lucky ones. It's surprising, actually. I landed in here twice after it happened and once I'm very much not proud of. But they didn't offer a book of rules how I should react to it all, unfortunately."

He tilted his head as his forehead creased a little. "Well, fuck me. So you were. I got back from Scotland no more than a day before their wedding, so I just made it. I couldn't have missed it. We all wanted to watch her walk up that aisle to him after everything. I'm not sure how I missed you there, though. Call it head-up-arse syndrome and jetlag."

Evie's eyebrows went up with interest and her blue eyes sparkled. "Should I even ask why you're suffering from unwanted erections?"

"If there was a rule book there'd be no way for you to learn and grow from the experience, or some other tree hugging hippy shit." She shrugged a shoulder. "In all seriousness though, adversity helps us become stronger. I had to watch my mother die from breast cancer, but it's made me equipped to be an Oncology nurse. I wouldn't be able to do this job otherwise."

Evie broke out into a huge grin. "It's the scrubs and pee. I don't look as glamorous as I did that day. And I'll only fuck you if you play your cards right, Dr. Browne. I vaguely remember you, so I guess we're even on that front. It was a beautiful wedding. Almost made me jealous, but I can't imagine two people more suited for each other."

"I'm a male. That's mostly enough," Riley pointed out with an amused shrug.

His face fell into a frown. "I'm so sorry. I haven't faced anything like that in my life. The closest was hearing what happened to Lachlan when I was stuck in Scotland and I've never been close to my mother, so I can't even imagine. Oncology is a very admirable specialty. I know nursing in it can't be easy, but if it’s any consolation, you seem to be just the perfect sort of person for it."

He paused and blinked at her in surprise. Did she just say she'd fuck him? He blushed and cleared his throat as he toyed with the end of his stethoscope. "They belong together. I'm just envious. Hopefully I can find that with someone one day. I thought I had it but intervening circumstances weren't in our favour."

"Touché. For inappropriate erections, I suggest having some patient throw up on you. Not the cleanliest of solutions, but works. I don't suffer from erections for obvious reasons, but inappropriate arousal can get killed pretty quickly when working with a patient."

Evie gave him a sad smile. "Thanks. I really don't wish it on anyone, whether you like your mom, or not. Most people seem to say that about Oncology, but they never seem confident to enter the specialty. I guess it really does take a certain type. Tara's perfect at it."

She watched him fidget and blush with amusement. Evie was fast coming to the conclusion the nice guys were the ones that really got under her skin. "I'm sorry to hear that. A relationship that ends is never easy. I have to admit my last one was in college. Married man, and all."

Riley laughed. "Well, yes. I have been there, many times. The other would be having a toddler kick you in the bollocks for trying to give him a shot. That's guaranteed to kill an erection for at least three days."

"I chose ER and Intensive Care because of my own life experiences. I guess what we've been through personally does have a bearing on where we head. For everyone except Lachlan who randomly picked his specialty by opening any old page in a text book. If I did that, my luck says I probably would've ended up in proctology or worse."

He waved his hand a little. "It's okay. She was a great person and we went through a lot together but there was just that... feeling missing. Plus, I haven't been myself of late. I'm glad to be back at work. The only thing keeping me sane were my sister and my friends."

"Ouch!" Evie made a face in sympathy, and then winked. "Those are the days you need someone to kiss it better. Thankfully I don't tend to suffer too many injuries in Oncology. Just the emotional scars and bodily fluids."

She handed him more scrunched up paper towel and looked down at her top to see if she'd managed to make any difference. "I guess if you're not one of those driven by parents, or the huge pay packet, then it is life experience that guides you to make your choice." She glanced up and laughed. "He did what? I can seriously see him doing that, cheeky fuck. Bastard's riddled with natural talent. So asses never did it for you?"

"Got it. Missing feelings really are problematic. I think people are just better off ending things when they know that than trying to drag it out. Everyone suffers that way, and generally you're doomed to never be happy again. It's good you had people to keep you sane. Not everyone has that."

"I could've used you a good few weeks ago. The PEP antibiotics were an absolute bitch. I felt like a piece of shit for weeks," Riley said with a wry smile. "It wasn't fun. Definitely an argument to take care on the job."

He laughed, shaking his head. "I'm dead serious. Opened a page, closed his eyes and the first thing his finger landed on he did. He was acing all his classes so his grades weren't even leading him. The bastard. I dragged myself through med school via sleepless nights and way too much coffee. He's the reason I ended up here. He clued me in on the vacancy about five days before he got shot. I'm glad he did. I like it here and its closer to my sister, which is a must. I was away from her for far too long."

"That's what happened with us. We just knew it wasn't working. We did try, but too much had changed since we were happy and content and it wasn't going to go back to how it was. And I'd give my life for them, even if they drive me wild sometimes."

"Well, now you know me so there's no excuse not to find me the next time. I'd give you my number, but you'll only wash it off, and paper gets lost in scrubs pants." She gave him her best smile. "If I get the kid to pee for you, you could always just take me out for a drink to say thanks." Evie managed not to blush. She'd never been backward in going forwards, so helping him ask her out wasn't something that embarrassed her. It just had a few butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

Evie rolled her eyes as she grinned. "It's so freaking Lachlan, seriously. He disgusts me with how good he is. Wow, so you knew him in Scotland and stuff, huh? Crazy. I had to wait until his kilted ass landed here. I knew Tara first. It's great you're back near your sister. I'm an only. My closest family is my Dad in Manhattan. He's a bit of a... Well, it's complicated."

"Again, I'm sorry. That's a pretty sucky thing to have to go through. Especially on top of what your injury." She gave a nod. "Yeah, I'd give my life for Tara. Everyone else can just sort of... cope."

Riley's cheeks tinged an even deeper pink at her forward statement. He laughed shyly and cleared his throat. Seriously, where was the inner extrovert that shagged Max in the men's room a few days ago? "Well, I guess it all rests on whether the little bugger takes a pee, doesn't it?" he said, smiling as he looked up to catch her eye again.

"I've been in Scotland for the last three years finishing med school. I met him about three days after I arrived there and we've been best mates ever since. Of course, he left just over a year ago to come here, but he was always a popular one. No doubt because he just has that natural air about him. Easy going, friendly, not shy in any way. He dragged me out of my shell. I had no choice but to be his friend, really," he laughed. "I have hardly anything to do with my parents. They never really put my sister and I first, so we sort of just raised ourselves together. We're twins, see. She's my second half."

Evie bit her lip as she glanced around the ER briefly before returning her gaze to Riley. Her eyes locked with his and she smiled. "I guess it does, yeah. No pressure, or anything."

"Twins? Wow, that's pretty cool. I'm kind of glad you don't have an identical twin because I really can't look at twins the same way without thinking about The Shining. Creeps the fuck out of me." She gave up on her scrubs top, and pulled off the latex gloves. "Must be nice having a second half. I'd give anything to be that close to someone."

Riley's stethoscope slipped a little, but he caught it in his hand before it dropped and he re-hung it around his neck. "Funnily enough, I swore to myself not three days ago I needed to stop analysing things so much and maybe just live for a change. A Prince Albert was a little to drastic a first stop, but maybe a drink would be something I can handle."

He smiled and tugged his gloves off to get rid of them with the towels. "We’re about as identical as Prince Charles and Camilla," he admitted. "We're polar opposites, but its pretty much like whatever she didn't get, I got, and vice versa. She's a musician in New York and about to record an album. If she died, I would too. That's not really an exaggeration. I don't think I could exist without her. I don't even get through a day without talking to her at least once, even if its just a couple of words in a text message."

Evie stepped in close, and grinned up at him. "Sounds like you met me at just the right time then, Dr. Browne. Or maybe it's me that should feel lucky." She scratched at her forehead and her lips twisted into a wry smile. "Of course, it would also be nice to talk to you when I'm not covered in a little kid's urine."

"She sounds pretty cool. Again, I'd give anything to be that close to someone. I think it's better if you're opposites. Who genuinely wants to live with themselves?" She looked away as someone called a code, and watched as a swarm of doctors and nurses all gathered around one of the beds. She never could stand the fast pace of the ER. "Wow, I really know how to hog your time, don't I? I should really find my patient, and then help you with your pee problem. At least if we have a drink I'll know you're not on any kind of timetable other than when your pager goes off."

"The joys of the medical profession," Riley said, smiling. He picked up the urine bottle he'd need to just send to the sterilisation room now. "And lucky for both of us, I'm not on call right now. I'm only here a couple of days a week on a slow return-to-work. I still don't feel the best some days, so best to take it easy."

He nodded in the direction of Bay Four. "My little friend is in Four. I guess I'll be seeing you again soon. Right now, I have to..." He paused to pick up the next file from the triage tray. "Stitch someone's arse," he said with a laugh. "This day is getting better and better. Serves me right for making a proctology joke."

"Definitely best to take it easy. I promise not to keep you out too late, or get you too plastered. And I promise to be a good girl and resist making some crack about bed rest. I think a drink is enough of a first step right now."

She looked over at Bay Four and smiled. "Got it, Dr. Browne. And if I have any kind of say in it, you'll definitely be seeing me soon." She grinned at what Fate had decided to hand him as his next case. "Lucky you, huh? Just go to your happy place, and hope you don't get one of those inappropriate erections."

Riley laughed. "Male patient... you never know," he said with a smirk. He waved at her with the file and then disappeared down the hall in the direction of his new patient.

Evie watched after the elusive Dr. Browne, and smiled to herself. There was definitely something about him. The smile faded as she caught the scent of urine and realised she was going to stink until she changed and had a shower. Oh well, patients came first, right?

- asinthecity, drcampbell & doctortara referenced with permission

Words | 3,598

[comm] just_muse_me, [ship] imnodoctor (riley/evie), [co-written] imnodoctor, [with] imnodoctor, [plot] needlestick

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