after all the violence and doubletalk

Aug 02, 2003 14:38

hey happy lj friends! i hope everybody's having a wonderful time where you are. i'm very excited about getting to see many of you soon & i miss you ALL
i'm on a high, bc i just spent the last few days in my favorite place in the world, pass christian MS. i found out wednesday that we were leaving... wednesday, and i love that. so wed. night we went to the beach, next day we went... to the beach, only this time with a boat & we paddled around in that for a while. i think adele & i are really buff from carrying that thing back & forth. but before that we took a walk to big WD, then killed time in an organic foods store until the bazaar opened and we killed a couple hours in there, then picnicked in the park. if you haven't been on a swing in a while, i suggest you try it because it is really scary as hell. i mean a real swing, not one of those 4-ft ones in someones backyard. so basically my needs are simple, a pool & a beach. and a pier to jump off (that's part of the beach though).
buffalo rock ginger ale is super powerful. it must take years to build up an immunity to that stuff. but once you do i bet it really increases your longevity.
i just realized that i'm gonna miss part 2 of melissa joan hart's wedding. oh my gosh i am pissed off.
i had written down something about a shirt and i just have no idea what it is i wanted to say. i can't see how anything about a shirt could be worthy of lj mention so there is no loss i guess. off to b&n!
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