greetings and salutations

Oct 12, 2008 09:01

Hey there.  My names sam and you may have seen me from such forums as .... (my names sammy there) (and there as well) (im samigurumi there) (there you'll find me as samigurumi as well)

They all have one thing in common...well actually they have loads of things in common, excellent people, well thought out arguments...but mostly they're about dolls.  I discovered dolls a couple of months back...again thats wrong, i didnt discover dolls i knew they existed my parents always tried to make me play with them as a kid, but truth be told as a child all i wanted to do was climb trees and play in mud.  But a few months back i stumbled on papin.  Papin is a pullip doll and she is exactly what i would be if i had more self confidence and a pretty body.  I fell in love with her instantly and believe me thats a pretty odd thing to do considering i didnt like dolls.  I had to have her.  She turned up on july the 7th and i had been scared i wouldnt like her after my impulse buy but I loved her intensly and named her holly. 

I changed her wig eventually but that was all and her personality really shone through

Well the whole point to this livejournal will be to keep you uptodate on hollys life. Its now shared with 2 other pullips, a bait stica that i customised completely and named nina, and a suiseiseki which i've named mint.
, there will hopefully be links and stuff to re-ments and bjds (for i hope to own a lati yellow one day) and there, of course, will be my picfic called pullip prophecies.    Hopefully i'll make some friends here cause that would be awesome.

*waves at new people*

kawaii, suiseiseki, pullip, stica, doll, happy, picfic, pullips, new, papin, bjd

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