Blake. I realise is a guys name, but its the name that my little orientdoll vampire ji wanted. I wasnt about to argue with her since even though shes tiny, she scares me a little. She doesnt have any clothes yet I wasnt anticipating just how teeny she was. She came with a wig but im waiting for her proper one to come hopefully within the next couple of days.
Also some of these photos may offend people. Theyre quite gorey (its all fake severed barbie/ken parts but quite realistic looking). So I would suggest if you have a weak constitution dont really look beyond the first couple of pictures. You have been warned:o:o
Okay now for the gorey ones okay. Seriously dont look if you dont like blood, even if it is fake.... shes a vampire...she cant help herself.
She wants to make friends. She promises not to eat anyone..