Pullip Prophecies #3

Oct 13, 2008 19:36

Part 3 okay again behind a cut cause theresa  few pictures.  nothing really adult rated but starting to get complicated methinks

So anyway on to the story
Recap: Nina and Holly received a strange scroll in the post, they were unable to open it and Nina tried all sorts to prise it open. sleeping with it next to her she had a strange dream telling her that she was part of some big prophecy, and that the scroll would open when it needed to

Nina: Holly? Holly? I have something to discuss with you.....

Nina...hmmm shes not here, perhaps shes still in bed, it is only 10am after all and a saturday....

Nina:....Goodness look at all this mess, what's Holly been doing, it looked like a tornado had a party in here, I better tidy up before going out....

Nina: Its really strange, Hollys usually so carefull with her clothes, and she hardly ever makes a mess. Its really not like her at all.

Nina: Even the vase of flowers has been knocked off the table, if i didnt know any better I'd say there'd been a fight....hmmm whats that on the table.

Nina: I dont believe it, hollys gone out leaving this place in this mess

Nina: gone shopping indeed, she could have given me a lift into town with her....the writing doesnt look like hers, she must have been in a hurry..must be a sale on in town

Nina: *puts note back on table*

Nina: Ahh well she's gonna get an earfull from me when she gets in...i cant believe she left me to tidy her mess guess im walking to the library. Come on scroll *taps satchel bag to make sure the scrolls in there* lets go read up on stuff. perhaps i'll get a clue what to do with you.



Holly: Ow....my head, what the hell hit me?!..where am I?

Holly: Im..Im tied up...the rope feels strange...it feels tingly. Who did this? Whats going on?
*struggles some more to sit up*

Holly: HELP!!! HELP SOMEONE!!! NINA!! NINA! CAN YOU HEAR ME!!....*silence*......somebody.....*sob*.....help

Stranger: Shhhh not so loud, they'll hear you
Holly: *gasps* Help me, please im tied up

Stranger: That rope is bound with magic. its used to surpress your powers and feed off of them, it'll hurt both of us if i remove it.
Holly: powers? im just a girl, people dont have powers, and....theres no such thing as magic

Stranger: *chuckles* Magic is everywhere, its just, in this day and age technology and science has helped to blind people to the natural energy surrounding us all. you must have something sacred because they wouldnt bother keeping you alive if you werent important.
Holly: ....... look get this rope off of me, whoever you are please, i...i have money i'll make it worth your while.

Stranger: if you havent noticed, we're stuck in a cavern...not just any cavern but one that surpresses even my magic, money wont get you very far down here, but i'll help you. This might hurt a bit.
Grabs rope and suddenly both girls feel like they're covered in fire
Holly and stranger: AHHHHHHHH
*The stranger tugs and unties the rope as quickly as she can.*

Holly: getitoff! GETTITOFF!!
Stranger: hold still..*grimaces* I'm almost done. The minute the rope is properly undone the pain will recede.

Holly: Thankyou. *holds up the rope*...its strange, it feels weightless.
Stranger: yes, thats because it is wound from the essence of wraiths. Its evil, that rope, created to bind and feed off of the creature bound, to the point where whatever is bound by the rope becomes a wraith. Destined to wander the neverrealm in torment.

Holly: Never realm? Wraiths?...who are you and where are we.
Stranger: My name is Mint. As for where we are...I dont know. I've been here a while, ive lost count the number of days, you're the first person i've seen down here.
Holly: My name is holly, thankyou for helping me. now perhaps we can find a way out. Nina will know im missing by now. im sure the police will be looking for me.
Mint: *smiles sadly and goes to say something but stops turning her head suddenly to one side...*

Mint: .... Shhhh somethings coming
Holly:.....*feels her heart hammering in her chest but doesnt say anything..thinking to herself...why did she say something and not someone*

End of part 3
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