Jul 04, 2006 20:56
Today, consider yourselves warned o faithful travellers into Jared's Blogdom, I shall ramble ramblingly for my own prurient pleasure. Because I can. And stuff.
1) I have just eaten half a whole watermelon for dinner. Not only can I say watermelon in Chinese, I can eat it in Chinese too. Very talented, me. Alas, my stomach is memo-ing my brain going, "Why? What did I do to deserve this?" Brain on strike; refuses to answer.
2) Just when I thought my acting career was over, along comes a whole outtray of unreceived memos - Barbara is NOT going back to Ireland (well, she is, but that's just a short vacation) and so Wilde Theatre Company lives to quote Macbeth another day. As I walked into her apartment last night, expecting to collect some Dead Lovely memorabilia (eg pics of Henry looking right honourable with his now-dead [thank God] wife Bunny etc), she asked, "Can you do a cockney accent?". This, for loyal readers who've remarkably, somehow forgotten the sound of my voice, is akin to asking a Care Bear if it wants a hug. Or, in the immortal words of the stroppy American, "Hell's yeah!" Looks like the show will go on... Once again, I have to stop and say, "Universe, thanks. You're pulling for me. Yay you."
3) I have a new job. I will slide myself into Justin's post, feet first, in an attempt to live his life vicariously through his spirit that will surely linger. Or something to that effect. It means, the executive summary summarily summarised, more money, less crazy hours, less children, less bullshit and admin, more free time (Yes, but to do what?!?!?!) etc. Smiles all around.
4) I am fighting hard the temptation to tell my colleagues, bosses etc that I'll be leaving. It's so friggin hard. I'm a firm believer that when the news is big, it's meant to be told. Especially, quoth the narcissist, if it's MY news! I just wanna shout it down from the rooftops, but I gotta sign that new contract first. Roll on Thursday. Friday, the shit hits the fan...
5) Those bastards at 7-11 have come up with yet another Full-Frontal Marketing Attack launched in aid of trying to bankrupt me and/or making me feel like the world's gonna end if I don't spend the obligatory $77 every time I purchase something for the store. This time it's Around The World With Doraemon, who's this cute little Japaneasy cartoon cat (I think). There are 38 magnets in total to collect, including South Africa, and some other more interesting like the South Pole, Iran and Cambodia. Very collectible.
6) Currently indulging in Stephen King for the first time in years. His new book is called Cell and it's about a kinda global pulse that turns all who use cellphones into crazed zombies. Very page-turnworthy. Yes I read schlock but for the Northern Suburbs Bookclub Set who may frown upon my choice of unreal literature, may I remind ya'll that ya'll loved The Life Of Pi (as did I). And that book, despite being endorsed by Mz Opera Winfrey herself, is about as unreal as the shit they put in bread here to make it taste as sweet as cake.