Peace Corps interview tomorrow at 2.... yep.
In other news, I've finally seen Garden State now.
In other news, I read my uberdepressing poem in choir the other day! I translated Pablo Neruda's "Walking Around"
This one is more differenter than my translation, but the idea is the same. Yaaaaaay!
In other news... this news station has run out of interesting news. Oh! Except that
my flute choir instructor had a WICKED awesome concert on Tuesday night, and I chatted with her, and she may help me find a new flute! I've kinda wanted one for a while, and I know she can help me get a good one at a good deal. She has connexions (19th century Brit lit is wearing off on me!).
Speaking of 19th century Brit lit, I friggin loved Jane Eyre. It was pretty much amazing.