Title: Deck of Cards
pul_the_triger Pairing: mainly: Frank/Gerard/Mikey with several from the Used, FOB, 30stm and Panic at the Disco
Rating: progressive R
POV: shifting from Gerard to Mikey and or first an second person
Summary: These streets are like our homecoming to where our lives began. Where we did rugby, cardboard houses and expired cans of meat. This deck of cards is a box of memories about how much these streets mean to me
Disclaimer: i dont own any of the characters merely the plot
restriction for the picspam that inspired this story
Beta: myself and housemate and for this chapter
eveseventy6 Warnings: this has alot of bad influences, drugs, alcohol, abuse, incest, gambling and much more.
Introduction 1st Draw
Mikey swallowed nervously as he stepped into a familiar warehouse, same night every month. Pay day. The day when the others would be home the latest, and when it was the only time he really had for himself.
Taking another breath he composed himself, he was here for poker after all. Ryro was dealer again tonight and he sat beside him, trying to keep everything together as he waited for the other players. It almost surprised them both when a familiar face came into their midst.
"Way." Bert greeted him, sitting directly across Mikey.
Mikey only nodded in acknowledgement, this game was going to be risky. Jeph came after, then Pete and Patrick, they looked complete for the night. Mikey and Bert locked eyes for a moment, this was going to be blinds.
Ryro tossed a coin and Mikey thanked his lucky stars he was only going to give the 'small blind' part for the game. The blind in total was eighty dollars and they began play.
"Check." Bert said even before he looked at his hand, by the rules their hands were reshuffled. Something was up. The game was going to be blinds with a combination of five card draw. Pure luck and instinct.
Mikey removed his glasses before the game started, wary of the giveaway reflection. Five face down cards rested under his hands he was first to bet, the minimum was eighty dollars so he went with that.
As he first round progressed the biggest bet of course came from Bert being 200 hundred dollars. Total pot 690 dollars.
Second round, Mikey went with the eighty dollars again, Pete folded, Bert was still on solid 200. Total pot 1100.
Round 4 they decided to turn things around, when there were only 3 of them left, Patrick, Bert and Mikey. Each had already shuffled their hands at least 3 times during the game and neither knew what their hand was.
Mikey promised himself a long time ago he would never bet more than a thousand dollars in one game, Bert was daring him somehow, with that bout of confidence and 200 dollars he kept pushing out.
He kept a straight face like he had learned when he was younger, clearing his throat he said "Raise." betting 250 dollars.
The atmosphere became thicker when Patrick folded, total pot 5010 dollars. It was going to be a face off.
Mikey pulled out his last bluff despite his promise to himself, he muttered "500"
"Raise." Total pot 7200 dollars.
Now it was time to reveal their cards.
"Bert has, Ace of club, Ace of diamond, 9 diamond, 5 club, and 3 spade."
Mikey held his breath, it was a strong hand. Hell, this month's rent was riding on five thin pieces of cardboard "Mikey has... eight spade, 6 club, Ace of heart..."
Author's Note: yeah im just building up the story, the main plot should come out around the 3rd or 4th chapter. :D thank you to all who read and all who review, i love you guys <3
lots of love to eveseventy6 for the beta-ing heheh
and I'm sorry for the mindless poker babel >_< i didnt want to do drugs and or alcohol yet for this story...
*blind is a mandatory amount of money given by the player to the right and to the left of the dealer, big blind is half the amount of the small blind. And all players can only bet a minimum of the big blind.
*fold means you forfit from the round because of various reasons like the bet is too high etc.
*raise means you bet more than the person who bet before you
*check if no one else has made a bet you can say it then the dealer will reshuffle and redeal the cards.
*pot is total amount of money which everyone has contributed too from placing their bets
*in this game, they bet on the cards that are face down so they have no idea what kind of hand they have.
poker info