Title: it came in a shot glass
Summary: Frank is a big shot lawyer and one of the youngest to graduate at a prestigous international school. His father is in terminal cancer stage and thats a reason to come home.... and drown some at a bar. (...) <- it will spoil story
Disclaimer: I do not own them
Prologue )
Chapter 1
^ italic=flashback ^
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My only minor complaint (and I might just be overly sensitive, so excuse me if I am lol) is this line: "i mean what kind of man gets breast cancer? who knew... must be karma or something." While breast cancer in men is very rare (happens in the later stages in life, as you've described here, so kudos for being accurate), it still happens and I can see the humor in it, but it kind of rubbed me the wrong way at first with your word choice.
Other than that, like I said before, I'm really liking this story. Chemo does that to you, ya know? It's fun to see Frank's dad still have an attitude even though what's happening to him. My mom had cancer and they told her that recovery is about 80% mentality or something :) so it's great to see he still has that humor in him. I hope to hear more of him later because you write him up to be a fun dude!
/end ridiculously long comment
If it means anything the line was to establish more of Frank's attitude in the story, but yeah i can see what you mean.
Oh and you will hear more of old man Iero in later chapters ^_^
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