Jan 05, 2005 17:09
well not much to say i just felt like updating.
i'ts hard to believe that it's almost a week inthe the new year. and what have i done so far? Sat around the house, making punk cds for my friends and watcihng napoleon dynamite. fun, but not very profitable. i also did the accounting for the coffeebar and try to keep in contact with friends.
it's so crazy, i need ot go to the store but it's pitch dark outside and freezing! oh well mabye tomorrow. I keep spending so much money. Monday i went shopping with a friends. We minaly went shopping for her to get stuff. but she walked out with 1 shirt and a couple pairs of panties spening less than 20 euros. me on the other hand wstaggered out of the store with 2 shirts, a sweater, a purse, a scarf and a handful of unmentionables spending nearly 70 euros! OUCH! but it's all worth it (i hope!)
well that's all she wrote...