I don't get it .3., my brain and my hand are not working together, no matter how hard I try, just it's like they don't get along anymore, enve bought a new sketch book for s fresh start, but still nothing but weird anatomy and deformed muzzles, only things I can draw decently are chibis and sometimes I will get the muzzles right but the wrong anatomy at the body '^'
pftttt, I wonder what happened to me to be this blocked, I suppose it's school than does this to my little rat brai- no wait, I'm not that of an idiot...
oh well, it won't last much longer I suppose, I've started to doodle a little more than usually, heeehhhh, lookie, lookiieeee~~ meh got stupid idea again
had fun doodling Yáo and Cyanide dragons, specially had fun with Cyanide, GAYEST MANLIEST DRAGON EVER, pftttt hahahahahaha, I'm srly looking forward to draw them together as dragons, also I think there's something I gotta change on Yáo's desing .3., it's so.. plain, hopefully both sweeties will be an inspiration~
wel I think that's all for now~~
FFFFF BTW, I got nicknamed Hentai-sama ♥ at school by new friends I met LOL, they know I'm a freggin' fujoshi, but they are Yuri retards, and one of them is also ok watching shonen-ai and light BL, I'm called that because I'm such a perverted ;P, isn't it ovious coming from me?
hahahah, oh well have a nice weekend