Promotion. Shameless, shameless promotion. (shameless)

Jan 18, 2009 21:21

Omg it's seriously felt like forever since I worked on a fanlisting! @__@; I cry at night because I have no time to do anything but work.. And my poor fanlistings have gotten hit the most. ::huff:: I got approved for the JRock fanlisting at the end of November, and since the beginning of December it's had a sad temp layout. But I finally got the time to work on it and even complete it today! yayaya! I wanted to promote the fanlisting here and ask that my dear friends join and support the FL, since it's full of JRock love and goodness. I also made sure to spread the JrockRevolution love as well. ;D Ahahahaha.

School starts this week!! I got my shiney new school laptop too. It's a Dell Inspiron 1210 -- Tiny tiny! It's like 12 inches wide and less than 4 freakin pounds!! I am so excited for classes to start though -- Do I sound like a nerd or what?? I'll have five classes on both Tuesdays and Fridays: Marketing, Principles of Management, Microeconomics, College Writing & Research, and Race, Ethnicity & Culture. 8D Nerd!

So I'll still be working my full time job (now part time? 24 hours a week~) -- Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. My fate with Starbucks is yet to be determined.. I wanna quit so bad. I didn't go in on Saturday. /)_(\ I'm gonna get beaten. Oh well.

school, fanlistings, websites

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