Passive Aggressive Ranting

Feb 14, 2011 00:57

Dear Asshat,

I'm glad you finally have a girl to spend the holidays with - since I obviously didn't exist over Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years. Do you think you ought to tell her that you aren't emotionally available and that you "need time to work on [you] before you can give yourself to [her]"? She might like to know before you flake on her in 6 months.

No love, Jess

I found out today that my ex has flown to Virginia to meet up with his new girlfriend for Valentine's Day. Isn't that sweet? Except that when we talked on Februrary 3rd, he told me that he wasn't ready to be in a relationship until he worked out his issues and could respect and love his partner. I guess it wasn't as hard as he thought it would be.


He's a total douche bag and was COMPLETELY LYING TO ME to make me fuck off.

I hate being lied to. Seriously, if you don't like me, just freaking TELL ME! I can handle that better than half-assed rejection and the lingering light of hope that we might actually enjoy a beautiful life together. If you just wanted sex, just say so. If you just want sex, say so. Don't try to trick me into believing that you give a shit about me so that I can later be dumped with my heart in 10,000 pieces.

Yes, I know this is not the most productive way to deal with this. What can I say? I'm young and immature. Now my friends can see what I'm dealing with in a way that expresses exactly how I'm not coping well.

I'm so angry I can hardly make proper sentences.

adam rant

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