Vietnam Adventure Part Five: Maybe you go back America you fuck fuck fuck your uncle.

Jun 19, 2009 18:41

- The food here is delicious
- In the first week, meals were offered/forced upon us around once every few hours (though currently now we're only offered full meals 3-4 times a day (we usually accept 2) with copious snack offers in between)
- It is almost always given to us in portions 3-4 times bigger than that of our relatives
- I was able to almost keep up eating it for the first almost-a-week or so
- In which I had the disturbing feeling of forgetting 'the feeling of being hungry' to the point where I was slightly afraid I wouldn't know it if I was forgotten by my relatives for a day and felt it again
- And also given the feeling of being in a reality TV show in which the producers try to fill my stomach with Vietnamese food and coffee and if I can't keep up I'm going to be voted out of Vietnam.
- Feeling was not helped by the fact that my relatives with their non-reality-tv-show-sized portions tend to linger around the table after they're done eating staring at us with great amusement and almost continuously screaming "EAT FINISH!!!!" in my ear in either English or Vietnamese.
- Or by that one time during second breakfast in which the room was filled with nearly ten people who were not even served food, just started, and then who TURNED THE WEB CAM ON US SO THAT MOM, DAD, AND ALL THE COUSINS BACK HOME IN AMERICA COULD WATCH US EAT, TOO. (And of course we could see ourselves on the computer screen as well.)

- As I survived the first week, the challenge was upgraded to include ia chay (the running poop)
- And feels-kind-of-like-I-swallowed-something-corrosive stomach pains whenever I eat to more than half way full or so
- And somewhat debilitating bouts of nausea (possibly at least partially caused by lack of sleep due to the family waking up around 4-5 am or so and usually not letting us sleep much later)*
- And steadily growing portions whenever we're cooked something at home

- It is difficult to turn down food or not finish a meal because people will do lots of the aforementioned screaming
- Along with telling Clay to say, "Tell her if she doesn't finish, we have to throw all the food away."
- And complaining about having to throw food away to each other later, which Clay can understand and irritates him but luckily I can't so well.
- (An extra dose of sadistic is added to these practices by the family occasionally, after the usual yelling and messages about food wasteage through most of the meal, will tell me with around 2 or so bites of food left, when I've gone well past the nausea-and-stomach-pains barrier and may as well just finish, in a kind, concerned voice that "...You know, you really don't have to eat all that if you're full.")

- Recently, we learned that the reason for this was because they're worried I'll go back to America and complain to my mother that my family didn't feed me enough while I was here.
- Just after that, Brother and I did our usual complaining about being fed too much to our mother on the phone while here, and about how sick and almost constantly miserably nauseous I was getting, and Mom sounded very sympathetic to my situation and very concerned, and then gave my brother a talking to about getting me better at turning down the relatives
- Because, she explained as she finished, "We don't want her get too fat."

- I'm not really sure what kind of reality TV show I think I'm on anymore.**

EDIT: In the last couple hours, Fappy II stopped turning on. T_T Apparently this is a problem common with its series of HP Pavilion laptops. T___T I want to read more about it but they're making me get off the internettttt. T___________T


*Once, I almost slept a full 8 hours (till 9am) and since I've had a reputation for sleeping excessively, which my relatives are now pretty sure must be the reason I'm so fat since I EAT SO LITTLE OF MY FOOD (though as mentioned before I don't tend to take naps the 3-4 times a day they usully try to get me to). While at first we laughed, I'm realizing now that in a way they must be kind of right, because lack of sleep tends to give me nausea, which tends to make me eat less, so I guess getting a full night's rest MAKES ME EAT MORE, so INDEED IT MUST BE MAKING ME FAT.

**When I was around 3 or 4 years old, I used to pretend to have a TV show, "The Nora Show", which would most often be run while I was sitting on the toilet in the bathroom. I don't completely remember what the show was about, something sort of like a talk show, and something that occasionally required me to do something slightly magical with excessive amounts of toilet paper. I think it's kind of cool that my TV show now also requires me to spend a lot of time in the bathroom. It's kind of like things are coming around full circle, you know? Even if the bathrooms here often don't have any toilet paper. Or soap. Or toilets. (Is it weird I can abide the idea of lack of the latter more than I can combined lack of the two former? As for lack of all three, well, one may as well be holding a TV show in there for the next couple minutes, because I'm really not sure what other business one's supposed to get up to in a room like that.)

vietnam adventure

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