My cabinet.

Jun 06, 2007 01:42

This is a story. My story. It was written when Pock complained of LJ troubles when trying to make long posts. I needed a long post to test mine. So thusly did become my story. I was really upset when my story didn't post. So now, here it is. You will see my story in its original form, untouched from its day of creation. Each sentence was crafted with minimum thougth and maximum speed. This ensures that I will have fun reading my story, too, because that way I forget what I've written about a sentence and a half after I've written it.

My story is a work of art.

This is my story:

I am going to describe the never ending sadness of the porphrytic dance. It was a long time ago when the people were still old and happy and full. But the old man had once said that there were too many of the bees in the lake, and they would have to come out or the world would never know the end of the age of Senchangt. If there were going to get the bees out they would need a lot of wire, because the bees were made of titanium lactate, and it would make the bees bleed if they used rope or they would break out in a very bad rash. If they used a plastic rope the bees would burn, because their eyes would turn to acid and a very flammable acid it was. So they had to use a rope that would not react badly with the titanium lactate, and that rope would have to be made of wire. The old man had a friend named Bacus that might be able to make some wire. Bacus and the old man's wife had had a fight some time ago about the Bacus trying to rape the couple's daughter Lyssentia, but Bacus had never really meant to rape Lyssentia or even touch her because Lyssentia was a very ugly girl, even if she was the only other girl in town. So Bacus had never been terribly angry with the old man's wife, just a little sad and confused, and the old man thought it would be ok if he talked to Bacus about making some wire. Bacus said he could make the wire if the old man allowed him to go beyond Essential Gates to find the Strip of Puddins, which is said to have a great deal of iccurus trees, good for eating with rice. Bacus hoped to make a iccurus tree shoppe and diner, however the iccurus tree was very rare in these parts, for the people had eaten them all. The old man said he could not agree to these demands, for the key to the Essential Gates must reamain in the hands of his family always, due to some sort of evil curse he couldn't remember that much about anymore. Normally Bacus would suggest that Lyssentia could come on his journey with him and open the gates, for Lysentia was a hearty girl, good with sausage and a broom. However this was obviously a bad idea. But Bacus would not relent, and the man needed that wire, he needed it so. So in the end the old couple sent their youg son TitMow to travel with Bacus to the Essential Gates, to open those gates and gather the iccurus tree with Bacus. However TitMow was a trecherous boy, and though Bacus trusted TitMow because he and a fairly cute name, he excaped with all the iccurus trees, he escaped with the key. Bacus would forever be trapped beyond the Essential Gates, never able to come back and make his diner, never able to make his wire. But eventually everything worked out, somehow TitMow ended up back in the town, probably with Bacus, and they named the diner Tasty Lookins. Only Bacus and TitMow were so buys with Tasty Lookins Diner and Shoppe that they never made the wire and the whole town probably exploded, and that's why they call it the porphrytic dance when it happened cause the iccurus trees laughed a lot when it happened cause they were finally free, cause they were actually angels sent from God.

Thank you for reading some of my story.

(I'm assuming you had better things to do than read all of it.)

free story, i am a gud raitur

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