Journey to the Center of Dapo's Mouth

Nov 23, 2004 01:38

For those of you who do not know, my Japanese class is boring and should die. But I’m sure we all do know that even if my Japanese class did die, there’d still be so many out there exactly like it, probably complete with that guy who sits in the second row that always knows all the answers, but has just forgotten them for this moment and that girl in back who has actually lived in Japan and is therefore smarter than the world. That might not be all that bad, because it just wouldn’t be Japanese class without them, but the class would probably also still be boring, so it’s still no good.

Somehow, that ended up with me spending $50 gas and $60 other monies to tag along with Pock to Seattle to meet some of her internet friends. It was so that I might cheaply buy some books and manga in Japanese. To make Japanese fun or something. We were both fully aware the entire time we were deciding this was a good idea that I could easily buy some books in Japanese online for considerably cheaper than driving to Seattle. But the story of how we reasoned this out made sense, I promise. It is a grand tale involving delicious suiito panpukin and Pocket actually eating food for dinner. But I won’t bother you with the tale, for like I said, our reasoning really did make a disappointing amount of sense, so it’s actually quite boring to listen to. We even realized when we got to the conclusion that said conclusion most certainly did not accomplish what it was supposed to. The only part of our thinking that didn’t really make sense was when we decided this was still a fine way to do things. But I guess it’s ok, cause really, someone had to be there to stop Pock from raping those poor young girls.

But in the end, it seems I have the same problem finding Japanese books as I do ones in English. I go on the internet and find all the most interesting ones, and they always turn out to be obscure old things that you can only find online and are never in any bookstores. The nice Japanese ladies showed me a few of the books they had by the same authors, but they all looked dramatic and angsty by the covers, except for one she pointed out that looked more nondescript and I immediately pretended was what I had been looking for, since that was still a big improvement on what I’d been seeing. I did, however, find one of the Kiki books for Clay, and all by myself, too. See? I’m not all that StupD. I can read pictures.

Dear Pocket, however, did find a lovely and gigantic Hikaru no Go calendar. For a calendar it was quite expensive, but considering what it really was was a bunch of big posters with little mini calendars at the bottom that divided out to be less than $3 each, I decided this was a good way to cover my boring blank walls. I mean, who wouldn’t pay two something each to have pictures of people playing Go and looking dramatic plastered all around their room?

A lot of people. But a lot of foolish people.

Now, I get to go home and pet my fat cat and squish my fat rats and give my dogs pats. And watch badly videotaped musicals and weird animated movies with Brother. It will be sad when I come home, though, because there will be no Coley. She did like Thanksgiving. Such a chub.

nanaki, japanese, manga

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