Another Gig, Cookies And Phig!

Jan 19, 2004 17:01

Yesterday, in a full-fledge, quickly-done, things-forgotten, true Matt_hew style.

I woke up around noon, only because I set my alarm. I called Jake first, and no one was home. So I call Jay, and his mom said he was still sleeping. Next comes Drew, but he's at church till 1:30 says BJ.

So I take a shower, throw on some clothes for the gig, which, believe it or not this wasn't planned, happened to be quite a lot of PP apparel. Oh well, and it was all black. I got really hot at Voelker's. I am really hot though!

Actually, apparently I'm Justin Sane.

After the shower and the hair, and the small errands my mom manages to throw on me when she catches a glimpse of me cartwheeling around the first floor, I went downstairs to the compy. Jay comes on a few minutes later, and we brainstorm on where Jake could be. Both of us suspect something got fucked and he won't be able to play. Which wouldn't surprise anyone, sadly.

So Monsieur Anger says he'll pick me up in fifteen, then we'll swing over to Drew's, and then check Jake's. I end up waiting about an hour and a half, same with Drew. Jay told me when he pulled up what he had to do, but I forgot what that was.

Anyways, we get Ze Bass-a-roo, and then decide to pop into BJ's to see if Jake was working and was scared to tell us. We couldnt've been more right.

I start checking all the aisles, and even Hot Lesbian Chick, (Jake claims she's a lesbian,) is there. So I know Jake always runs the one right next to her, and lo-and-behold there he is. Wild And Crazy Kids shirt and all.

He sheepishly avoids eye-contact with us, so we go and get some Ultra Cookies. We don't have a BJ's card, (the place works like Sam's Club,) so we'll just use Jake's when we get up there. We get in line, and he looks scared, and I do the threatning bat thing, except with a food divider. He tells us he works till 7, so we're not too mad. We figure we don't need too much practice.

Yeah, those who were there, we did towards the end and with our new ones.

So yeah, that was cool. We decide to go get Deyr-druh at her weird complex ma-gig. We do, she says bye to her mom and Danny-boy and we're off. To System Of A Down music. Eh, whatever, wasn't my car. Some of it wasn't too bad, like that song Su-gar.

We stop at the McGirr residence, and I decide to face my enemy with Jay, while Deyr and Drew stay in the car. Jay says he wants to see his bald held, so when Andy Hardcore Violinist answers the door, he says Jesse can't. Which means he's either wackin' off, or smoking.

So we go downstairs, listen to him play, cry that he has Pro Tools, and we don't.

We go home and just sit in the studio, waiting around for Jake. Oh wait, before this we got pulled over by a cop for Jay's parent's old-ass Mercedes not having been inspected for a few months. He lets us off, but not before asking if we had any marijuana, and the like. I said "just cookies!" And he said, "that's fine."

Hmm...what else? Oh yeah! We went to La Porta's for the customary Chicken Finger Pizza Of Good (tm,) waited in Dash's, came back. It's ready, we get in the car. It stalls, then is pretty much dead. We call Mr. Galbo for jumpers. We go home, as he floors it. Jay forgets to not turn it off so it can charge. I run upstairs so I don't hear the argument.

Jake manages to not have his brains eaten (Eat Brains reference there meatballs,) and is smart enough to go straight to Jay's. Without his half-stack, that would've tipped off his parents. So we have to leech off RF. Oh well. We run over a few songs, then we're off.

Jake and I follow Galbo Father there, we have to floor it every other 30 secs to keep up.

We get there, unload the stuff from his car, leave the rest in Jake's. Dan has no problem with us just showing up, and even puts us third after The Clockers. Which means we have to follow them.

Tons of people start showing up, and Klash said it was well over fifty. It watered down a bit later in the night, and unfortunately a lot for RF. Anyways, the first band, Little Boy Piss/Pissed whatever was alright. It was their first show. That sXe frontman guy had unlimited energy, so you gotta give them credit for that. No Minor Threat covers though, I got sad. Guilty Of Being White! And their drummer was ugly. Sorry, that's mean. But he was. And red.

The Clockers were really good. A lot of people said they weren't "all that," (like the Nickelodeon show,) but they weren't up close with that scary wall of skins. They're two guitarists really deserve the gee-tars they were playing. And their bassist looks EXACTLY CAPS LOCK like the second guitarist of the Dropkicks. They even did a cover of theirs for their final song heh. Punk For A Day was awesome, everybody new it. We all pogo-ed, that was fun.

When we get up there, I just start laughing. I realize how many people are there, and half of them are those chicks with the trucker hats turned sideways. Emo or...Ashton? Whatever, it was cool that girls were there. Two were even moshing at one point. And of course Bob had to make stupid comments and song requests.

Anyways, so we starts, Attak goes okay. It was a new one, but I really felt it. I did my The Code mic-thrash, but no one got into it until like Eat Brains I think. Which also went well, but it's impossible to fuck up.

I didn't have a voice to begin with thanks to the all-day practice the day before. So that sucked. Plus we haf four slower songs next to each other, which was really stupid of us. Big mistake. And we all got worn out somehow halfway through. All-in-all, not our best show.

Yet for some reason people loved it. Especially the new-comers. Travis, who hasn't heard us since the Bob show. Chris, he loved us, but unfortunately it led to his mom taking his clothes. That's really fucked, and I feel bad. Skanklin loved us, same with her cousin, and her cousin's dad said we were awesome! He doesn't even like punk!

And lo-and-behold The Clockers thought we were awesome. I thought they'd mind some of our songs, they're pretty pro-American. I really don't hate this country though, just a lot of its policies. Hell, we wouldn't be able to play and write what we do in a lot of other places. Sorry, if that was Justin Sane-ish.

Oh yeah, there was a silly A-F fan there who kept calling me Justin Sane. He was cool, he actually owns the Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook.

Anyways, like I was saying, when Drumasaurus Jay and I were out in the hall by the phone all of the Clockers walked by us and said stuff like, "Awesome set guys, see ya at The Krays show!" And I knew it wasn't jus them feeling obligated or whatever, I'm glad they meant it.

So that was fun. RF's equipment got fucked from so many people playing it, they really haven't a good show in a while. And The Clockers left after our set, so that sucks, but oh well.

Next show is Jan. 26th with them, Bang, Switch, Toss, and The Krays. We play third, after The Tosspots. Check the previous entry for all the info.

Enjoy, love you all! *Collapses.* That was the longest frigging entry ever.
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