If the Witch King Was Real I'd Rape Him

Dec 21, 2003 01:13

Sigh...home from a long days work....
Damn Toys R Us...damn customers...damn this, damn that, I won't bore you with what already has been said millions of times so I'll be blunt: I HATE my job!
With that said I shall continue.
Haven't heard from any of you people's in a while.
It makes one wonder as to what the hell is going on in the lives of everyone that isn't me.
Anything exciting? Unusual? Thoughtful? Or down right disturbing?
*Silence lingers in Heidi's house*
The turtle cage is smelly and I just cleaned it...on...Wednesday...? Yes, possibly Wednesday...or was it Tuesday?
Ack, oh well, I saw The Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King.
I was left utterly speechless.
I laughed, I cried, I was very happy nonetheless.
*Sigh* The Witch King is SO sexy...anyway.... *Clears throat*
Yeah, well, feel free to reply or...call...or something....
Cuz I'm all alone, there's no one here beside me (literally)....

frustration, work

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