Throw away the mantle, awake from your uncertain hesitation

Jul 31, 2012 19:27

So. It's hot. And tomorrow it will be August! In a few weeks the weather will start to cool down and be comfortable again. But in the meantime, I'm sweltering! I need something cool to tide me over. How does a green batch sound, y'all? Green? Anyone? I need a fresh-feeling color with all this heat!







I actually have some banners for you, this time! These are 500x300 because I like big things (apparently?).

So phchiu and I have been getting curious about you puka_pudgers, and I thought I would do a poll to learn a little bit about you. Feel free to answer as many or as few of the questions as you like, or none at all. Specific results should only be viewable to me (and I will be sharing them with phchiu) (though I think you can still view what percent of users selected which response), and PLEASE let me know if for some reason you are able to see what responses individual users gave- I will either fix it or remove the poll.
ETA: I had to re-post this and delete the original post because the poll had popped out of the cut and it was MASSIVE. I saw that one person filled it out in the time the original post was up, so if that person was you, fill it out again? I'm sorry ;_;


Thanks for playing along, guys!

sunshine, polls, wolves, puppy, flowers, stars, girl, forest, text, stock, icon maker: 989240, icons, trees, leaves

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