Hiiiiii guys! I made you more icons!
I have really been wanting to do a theme batch for a while, but I never seem to have enough icons of one theme laying around... But today the weather is just so dreary that it inspired me to make a black-and-white themed batch! Okay okay, I know that's not much of a theme. And it's hardly uplifting. But I love black-and-white (or nearly, as is the case with some of these icons) images. Done right, there's just something so special about them. I wanted to put together a batch that reflects the sort of dual nature of dreariness. In my mind, there's a story in these icons. It reminds me of someone trapped in a dark place, discovering the strong, brave warrior within herself, and walking out into the light.
I know, that's way too deep for a batch of icons, right? Oh well. Hope you enjoy! :P
A Word of caution:
One icon towards the bottom may be considered NSFW (it shows an abstract-ish drawing of a nude woman).