No pride to feel, no waiting country. No parades to line your way .

Sep 18, 2013 13:07

Hey all,

So I know it's been more than two months since this community last saw a post. I can't speak for the other makers, but I wanted to explain why I, personally have been gone so long. Ultimately, it all comes down to Photobucket, which I had been using for years without issue to host my images. Then, several months ago, they changed their layout and got rid of infinite scrolling in the process. Now, if you have more than 1,200 images uploaded, and you don't always use them in the order they were uploaded, manually clicking though fifty-plus pages is incredibly inefficient, tedious, and time consuming. I tried other sites like imgur for a while, but apparently imgur will eventually delete my pictures. So I stopped. Without somewhere to host my images, I had no motivation to make new ones.

And then I had an idea: LiveJournal! Even with over 1000 images uploaded to Photobucket, I was supposedly still using a grand total of 0% of my 2G storage limit. My plus account here on LJ comes with 1G of Scrapbook storage, and a paid account will give me 2G if I ever need it, so space doesn't look like an issue.. If I upload icons in batches instead of all at once, I shouldn't run into any problems with organization, either.

So I hope you'll forgive me my absence. Please accept this super-large batch to make up for it which I feel, by no design of my own, speaks to the ending of summer and the beginning of colder, darker weather. I hope you've been well and I miss you all very much <3


P.S.: There's a drawing of a nude woman in this batch. I've put her in the very last row. You have been warned! :)

Edited to add numbers! It's been so long that I'd forgotten, sorry! x_x

Preview (60 icons):

[Though your hands may bleed and your body may lie broken, every storm must soon give away.]















sky, birds, jellyfish, flowers, ship, books, dark, animals, icon maker: 989240, moon, illustrations, tattoos, hands, nude, city, girls, puppy, stars, dresses, butterfly, animal, trees, shoes, dress, mountains, skin, boat

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