HYD2 Ep 1 Summary (post @ soompi)

Feb 11, 2007 04:09

WOW...I am absolutely made speechless by the quality of the first ep.
It's so GOOD...I didn't want it to end.

SPOILERS...a little here and there...2 cents.

It just ended now...a little more than 2 hours. Wow oh wow oh wow oh wow...although every second of it was entertaining to watch...it was heart-wrenching at the same time...seeing how much hurt Makino is going through. Tsukasa didn't contact her in a year. And she was beginning to doubt everything. I am sure Tsukasa has his own reason for acting so cold, so cruel, and so mean...(he had a nightmare about this middle-age guy...who killed himself by jumping off a building...it seemed like Tsukasa was there to see it.)

Maybe because Tsukasa felt responsible of this man's death, he thought he won't be able to give Makino happiness, thus pushing her away. When he finally saw Makino in NY...he kept on saying he was busy, that he had no time for her. And Makino was of course shocked! Saying that she came all the way from Japan...and Tsukasa's response, "So what?!" OMG...I felt so bad for Makino!

Toma was a real baddie...very convincing! I like him in his student look...the whole storyline about Junpei was changed a bit. Ended up Tsubaki onesan saved Makino....

Matsushima Nanako was gorgeous in here!!! She appeared quite a lot in this ep. I was so relieved that Makino finally confessed to her...that she still likes Tsubasa....despite how much she wants to give him up. So sad!!! And perfect timing, we hear Hikaru Utada's song....really really captivating!!! HOWEVER, I think I like Planetarium better.

Rui is so HOT, so kind, so sweet...he's Makino's guardian angel. Junpei pointed out to Makino (in the end), that Rui might like her. Rui was so angry that Junpei tried to hurt Makino...saying he won't forgive anyone who hurts Makino. Junpei suggested Makino that she should be with Rui instead of Tsukasa. Rui would bring Makino happiness. Makino told Junpei that her happiness is none of his concern.

Ep 1 ended with Tsukasa returning to Japan, because his mother asked him to. It seemed like he didn't want to go back to Japan. It was his birthday, thus a big party to celebrate his birthday. Then she surprisingly announced that she has a surprise present for her beloved son. Tsukasa was beyond pissed...

The lights was flashing around...trying to find Tsukasa's fiancee...it kind of paused on Makino (which was such a mean move, since Makino and F3 thought that Makino would be the one), the shined on Shigeru. Makino...hurt...shocked written all on her face.

FANTASTIC Ep1...I enjoyed every single minute...however, I didn't like how they portrayed the Black people here. Totally stereotyping...and unfair! Oh well...

I seriously can't wait for Ep 2...but in the preview...more tears to come...poor Makino!!! Oh yes, one more thing, Makino wanted to be a lawyer...she realized she didn't have any goal in life...then she finally realized she wanted to be a lawyer...just like Shizuka.

Okay...please excuse my grammatical errors. Wrote it in a hurry...

hana yori dango 2 summary

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