Go to Google Image search for each question and select one from the 1st page only:
1. The age you will be on your next birthday...
Good old choose your own adventure!
2. Your favorite color...
3. Your middle name...
4. The place you lost your virginity (type in things like "my house, their car, your bed, the woods", etc.) or would like to lose your virginity if you haven't...
This made absolutely no sense considering my search string - I didn't ask for two skeletons going at each others family jewels.
5. A bad habit of yours...
6. Your favourite fruit or vegetable...
7. Your favourite animal...
8. The town you live in...
9. The name of a pet...
10. Your best friend's nickname...
11. Your first name...
12. Your last name...
13. The one you love...