so my break is goin' well..

Dec 30, 2004 14:17

hello everyone! it's been a while. anywhoo.. my break's been going well. christmas was pretty hectic/tiring.. but it all went and ended great.  we had i think 4 or 5 parties, either thrown by family friends or us, within 3 days. damn.. by the time we had our last party, which we threw at our place on the 26th, i was already pooped... and i still had to open presents. ya, my mom wouldn't let us open our presents till then. o well.. speaking of presents, i'm sooooo happy w/all of 'em. my mommie's the best. she got most of my presents. other than a pair of new sunglasses from my aunt, a cute gap shirt from my uncle, and over $300 from relatives,  i loved all of my presents from her. soooo many new clothes.. AND.. she got me the cutest dress that i chose for winter formal. BUT... the best present of course was my iPod mini. even though i had to $150 cuz she first didnt want me to have one at all... she gave in and let me get it. im sooo happy. i got a blue one.. i really wanted a green one.. but it was all sold out.. and i didnt wanna wait.. so i got the blue one and just got a green glow-in-the-dark cover that helps a lot. im a happy girl for sure! k.. enough 'bout xmas.

soo.. one of my mom's best friends came from canada after xmas.. who is actually my godparent.. and he's gay and he's the best! he's sooo feminine.. i love it! anywhoo... i call him ninay jules... and he's a great singer.  after our xmas party.. it was sooo much fun 'cuz he taught evan and me how to ballroom dance. it was awesome.. and sooo cute c'uz evan was really good at it. lol we might actually try dancin' it durin' the winter formal. perhaps. so ya.. ninay jules is the best. he was also one of the people that gave me $100 for xmas. yess! also, my relatives from new york came the day after ninay jules. my baby cousin, mary, is sooo cute. we went to a buffet w/them and all she'd eat are green peas. she's soooo loving also. she'd go and kiss and hug anyone. anyways, i think that all 'bout our visitors.

everything's been great here. the weather is crazy though. sooooo much rain and then it turns sunny for a few seconds, then its gloomy again. wuts up w/that? lol. i went to the glendale galleria yesterday... and i saw one of my old friends, chris hertz, in a&f. he was sooo cute and all grown-up. it was nice seein' an old friend. i can't believe he still remembered me.. and he noticed me first.. awww. soo.. new year's eve is comin' up and i dunno wut im doin'. i think im gonna do the same thing that i did last year.. sleep at ev's grandparents place w/him c'uz they are out of town and countdown there. thank golly my mom will be at work. i can't wait! oo.. it was so sweet also of mikey to call me jus randomly the other day jus to ask how i was doin' and stuff. i can't wait to double date w/him and his girl. they're goin' down when we go bowling.. hehe. ok.. i think that's pretty much it. check out the pics i've taken so far durin' break. happy new year everyone!!

xmas dinner at the rosenblatt residence.. wut a nice night. that's b.o.b. i'm holding.. one of ev's gifts for me.. he's soooo squishy, i love it! and ev's wearin' one of my presents for him.. how sexy does he look in pink!? hehe

group pic durin' the xmas party at our house... all those kids were in love w/evan. he's jus the best with little kids and making sure they're havin' fun. thats good to have for the future.. hehe. remember ariana? that's her in the red. and that other small girl kept tellin' my man that he's handsome.. tsk tsk.. wut was her intention there?? lol naww they were all cute.. like younger siblings.

happy holidays from the junsay family!! (girls' nite out!.. lol)

ev "asleep" w/my sleeping baby cousin, mary.. she fell in love w/him instantly.. how cute is that???

my lil' cousins, mary and angela.. awww.


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