Well, I've been back a couple of days and I'm still recuperating from the trip, but it was totally worth it.
I lost 6 pounds in 5 days, we just walked and walked and walked some more. We only sat to eat, when we had time (or were not lost) and when we went to my cousin's apartment to sleep. "Three Days of Rain" was fantastic, Paul Rudd is such a presence on stage and Bradley Cooper was a hoot, he had the funniest monologues. Julia was ok, you can tell it's her first time doing this kind of thing, but she just smiled and everyone went along for the ride. There were some cool effects with water, they made this curtain of rain and everyone on the first row got wet (people loved it though). Our seats were great so very close to the stage on the first box seats, you could stretch your hand and touch the rain =) Afterwards we ran to the side of the theater and tried to get Julia's autograph but she left in a hurry and only signed a couple before getting in her car. We stuck around for a couple of minutes and out came Paul Rudd, and OMG he is even more beautiful in person (how is that even possible?). He signed for everyone, and posed for pics and talk to the fans, such a lovely person. I was very impressed. Bradley Cooper stepped out next and also signed and joked with everyone, he's very cool and kinda hyper *grins* So in the end I got 2 out of 3, but since I wasn't expecting any I'd say I got very lucky.
My buddy took the pics since I was too busy behaving like a hormone-crazed-teenager:
<--That's my hand! LOL
The concert was crazy. Death Cab For Cutie was good, but Franz Ferdinand is on a completely different level. We stood right in front and danced like teenagers for 2 hours, we screamed and jumped and afterwards remembered our actual age and collapsed on the sidewalk. MOMA took us a whole day to see, they had this incredible Edvard Munch exhibition, and another with a great collection of etchings by various artists, I was in heaven. There just wasn't enough time to see everything! When we made the schedule we forgot about the walking and the eating and the bathroom lines and you know the being a human being thing. I was jocking with my friend about the subway being one of the highlights of the whole vacation because I never had to drive anywhere! I could really see myself living there, I fell in love with the city. We walked from Chinatown to SOHO to NYU to The Village, we walked everywhere and we got lost in the streets and in the subway and inside buildings and in parks, oh we had a blast!
I'm gaining all those pounds back by eating all the chocolate I can find. Now I understand why my cousins looked like skeletons when they visited after their first year at Pratt. I really must visit again, and soonish.
Anyway, I'm back to reality and to work.
It was a nice surprise to see all the stories from
minisinoo and
oncelikeshari (
Solstice Muse) when I got back. I've started reading
"Finding Himself" and she might just make a Cedric fan out of me! Lots of drama and action, I can't wait to read more. Solstice Muse has just joined LJ so welcome
oncelikeshari! I'm really dying to read the next chapter of her new Ron story
"Words Fail Me". That last chapter was just wonderful, the mystery deepens!
So I have lots to read *and* lots to do. I just finished some icons and a colorbar, plus some other goodies. I'll be posting those tomorrow, if not sooner.
Oh and before I go I should thank
illmantrim for linking to this cool new HP fan video made by
karli_meaghan and I'll share it here too in case someone has not had the pleasure yet :)
Harry Potter "La Vie Boheme" video.