May 04, 2005 12:14
I keep hearing all this ridiculous hype about the "left winged media" or "left wing this or that". On the news last night someone was complaining about how our Sun newspaper was "too liberal biased". And the day before that I read about someone putting up a stink that PBS was "left winged" and biased. Before that I was watching a news show on TV where this guy was complaining about the "liberal media" and how there needs to be more conservative people on TV. TV and newspapers are the ultimate freedom of speech media, and I honestly don't see them catering to the liberal people in this country. I don't get cable, and what I do see is probably screened by the government. I know PBS does shows in the evening that lean left. This doesn’t bother me though. It's people's choice to watch, they are not forcing conservatives to watch it like a rendition of Clockwork Orange with their eyelids taped open!! And if what is reported is the truth, for example the reports on the prison abuse scandals, that isn’t left winged IT JUST IS. Plus, maybe the conservative backlash is just trying to make people think that there is too much liberal stuff in the media so that the conservatives can run the media themselves. Fuck, I wouldn’t be surprised if these new reports were some kind of conspiracy to make people think more conservatively. Maybe I'm psychotic, but it's a definite possibility. I wouldn’t put it past them.