Apr 21, 2005 16:37
Oh dear...the "fun" has started already...yes, that's right ladies and gents, Spring Weekend at UConn has officially begun, and its only 4:37 on Thursday afternoon. Welcome to bumblefuck, CT. lol. Soooo. WE GOT TO EVALUATE TANAKA TODAY IN CLASS!!! Yeah, I had fun with that...i mean, he's such a horrible teacher and i've learned absolutely nothing from him, my TA "clarifies" everything. I just need a freakin' C to transfer over to Fairfield, I DON'T want to have to take it again over the summer, in addition to Dev. Psych. The dean there said she'd help me pick an appropriate course at a community college if I need to b/c they don't offer Chm 84 over the summer there, but my dad is a picky person, to put it lightly, and doesn't like the idea of comm. colleges...hopefully my mom can calm him down about that a bit...otherwise I'll be taking Inorganic Chem at ffld this summer...YAY...not. I really hate chem. lol...so today was laundry day andit really smelled in the laundry room, not to mention it was like 10000 degrees. Plus, its about 10000000 degrees in my room and my fan was on all night last night-a first for this season. The joys of living on the third floor...So Will comes up tomorrow early afternoon...yay! What a pain that we have to sign guests in this weekend b/c we've never had to before. Oh well, its okay. Now I'm bored...