Hello, everyone! I'm Longarm Prime and I am a Puggleformer.
We're quite ingenious little creatures, you know. We may be small, but we're spirited!
Recently, I journeyed down to Florida for Botcon with a group of friends. Most of which went their own ways after the fact, but I digress.
Once I was at my hotel, I picked up my badge and away we went!
Early on, we met up with many new friends.
Flamewar over there grew quite fond of that strange Sunstorm-like femme.
And Arcee actually went back to this one's hotel along with a truck not pictured here.
I later found some.. Interesting snapshots of Arcee in the hotel room. I have decided not to question her on what happened.
Wheeljack and Skywarp hit it off wonderfully! Here's hoping nothing erupted in to flames or exploded when they went off on their own.
And all of them left off to the dealers room bright and early and I havn't seen them since! I did hear some rumors about high-grade and tankers. I.. Rather not know the sordid details, I believe..
I did, however, witness Flamewar and her Sunstorm-ey friend battling this Blurr impostor. Perhaps, if you squint, you can catch sight of dear Flamewar riding atop Sunstorm's cockpit!
After that, I decided to make my way to the dealers room. Only for innocent purchases, I assure you. No weaponry was acquired.
You humans have such odd methods of currency.
This strong young femme caught sight of me while I was browsing. Claimed Autobot intelligence needed my services! While I'm on vacation, no less!
That's what you get for having a government job. Sigh.
The mission took the better part of the day.
I suspect it may have been a surprise aptitude test. Sigh. .. I only missed that one because it was absurdly quick. It isn't easy to blast with no arms, you know!
Then I decided to take a break from my adventure and refuel.
You humans have such strange fuel. Although, I must admit, it was quite tasty.
I wasn't aware humans could keep their fuel from expiring for so long.
On the way back inside, Perceptor seemed quite excited to meet this human. I'm not certain who he was, but Perceptor was delighted!
Rattrap made quite a few friends, as well.
I then retired to my lodgings after a long, hard day of shopping and adventures.
Day two was upon me!
My room had quite a view!
I was told a place by the name of 'Disneyworld' was quite exciting, so I decided to make my way there.
The entry way was incredibly snazzy!
Ticket, please, human femme!
I was quite pleased to find a postal box inside this place. A few files were sent off to friends. I wonder what the three round circles on the postal stamps were indicative of..
What an ominous place..
At least the locals were friendly, if a little.. Strange.
What a strange, strange planet this is.
The deeper in to this Disney place we journeyed, the stranger it became. We even came across ruinous desert terrain bare feet away from gleaming grass! It was quite bizarre.
Wait, where are we?
This non-Cybertronian mechanical entity was unable to tell me where we were. Strange.
That is not Cybertron. Confused, I left the premises.
It took a short time to reach the green grass and humans again, thankfully.
I decided to take some time to rest in a shop.
Hmm.. Not quite me.
This didn't seem to fit properly.
.. *cough* ..I mean.. I felt quite.. Royal wearing this one.
At that, it had become quite late in the day, so I opted to return to the hotel.
It was quite an incredible adventure! Met so many strange beings and even returned home with several souvenirs!
Perhaps, one day, I will be able to have another adventure of such magnitude!