May 23, 2005 23:32
Hmmmm.... where to begin my friends.
Well, it is odd looking back at our entire high school career, knowing that it will all soon be over in a few days. That the period of our lives that everyone says is so monumental, for some better, for others worse, is coming to a close, is kinda frightening. A few weeks ago I would have blown off this thought. But as we wind down our classes, we all become alittle quieter when realizing the reality that we will soon be facing. I mean, we are on the verge of our adulthood, both in the sense of age, maturity, and a general acceptace of society that WE ARE OLD. Hmmm... what a frightening thought.
I think that I will study History with an emphasis on post Berlin conference (1870) Europe to the beginnings of WWI (for all of you dumbasses out there, 1914). Along with this major, I plan to either minor in hebrew or Russian, I haven't decided yet.
Either that or open up an egg-free bakery (I just threw that in there to see if Alyssa was reading this).
I guess you could say that I'm depressed, but more nostalgic and melancholic than anything. Our lives are about to do a sharp 90 degree turn, and we still don't exactly know where its going. This probably freaks me out the most.
My friend returned from Utah a few weeks ago. She's doing great, living with her step-dad and hates her mother more than ever for sending her to Utah. Good for her.
Hmmm.... I like it when I open up to a random group of people, and they discover a random ass side of me that no one would have generally knew existed. Though its nice for life to be planned out (sensing a theme?), it is equally as nice to throw in some randomness, simply to see where it takes you.
Places to visit before I become a settled down bore: Israel, Algeria, South Africa, Argentina, Russia, Japan and Thailand. But those are only the places that I will have to visit before I turn at least 30. Perhaps I could do a semester abroad in one of these places..... much of the places listed above are in my colleges foreign exchange programs.
Once again, sorry for all the confusing thoughts, inuendos, and what-nots. My life is twisted and weird at the moment. It is most definetly a time for me to stand on the sidelines of life and see what everyone else does, simply so I can have an educated guess on what my next move should be.