Hot diggety. I got to watch 300 over the weekend, and it was good. Not very good history, and the cinema was packed, but for an action movie, it can’t be beat, even if it got a wee bit preachy about how a few good men can make a difference.
It was also a definite contender for The Manliest Movie. Ever.
Even the women in the audience were starting to have deeper voices towards the end. Watching it made me want to go out and do all sorts of manly things - the Army should have their recruiters stand by after the movie.
The sheer number of buff beefcake was definitely impressive too. Looking at Gerard Butler (Leonidas), who would have thunk that the Phantom of the Opera would be quite that built…. Cayce suspects that at least some of the bodies in question benefited from a little digital wizardry, on account of there being just a little too much chiselled perfection.
I think I need an apple now.
A number of hilarious reviews of 300 have also been brought to my attention. You can find them
here and
here Some of the lines that cracked me up?
"High school football coaches who show this to their players before games are guaranteed to win 55-0. Should opposing coaches show the DVD to each of their teams before the matchup, a rupture in the space-time continuum will occur and the game will be declared a tie"
"The Spartans are a super-human elite squad of lumberjack pirates who were trained by the the great-great-grandpa of Chuck Norris' paternal ancestor"
And I think this one takes the cake....
"I can’t spoil the plot because THANK GOD THERE ISN’T ONE. Just ass kicking that kicks ass that, while said ass is getting kicked, is kicking yet more ass that’s hitting someone’s balls with a hammer made of ice but the ice is frozen whiskey"
p.s: I also expect the sale of apples to go up.