Oct 20, 2006 23:32
i went shopping today with my cousin and it was really nice.
i even bought something this time. normally i don't buy stuff
because i get depressed while shopping. nothing looks
good on me and that's makes me sad. but today i bought
a pair of pants. i call them sara pants, cause sara had
a very similar pair of pants on prison break. that's also a
reason why i wanted them
( i'm really in love with sara's style on pb )
and i have to say they're really nice.
tomorrow i'm gonna go shopping again cause i hadn't
have enough money with me to buy a top i found in the
store. it's pink and striped and is so cute
and maybe, if i'm really lucky i'm gonna buy shoes too.
i really need new ones, and after buying the pants i need
them even more. i have no shoes that go well with my new
i think i have to go to my piercer next week. my lip piercing
hurts very badly and it's a little bit swollen too
i hope it's nothing serious.. cause i always fear the worst,
and in this case that would be having to take the piercing
out and i really don't wanna do that
if it would be my tongue piercing, it wouldnt be so bad,
cause i thought about taking it out anyway. but my i love
my labret ( = lip piercing )