Oh, I Forgot to Mention Something

Dec 11, 2010 22:31

Remember last week I was commenting at the sheer amount of snow that appeared? It's all gone now. It started getting warmer on Sunday and the snow started vanishing from there. That's the winter in the Netherlands: You have winter and spring in a week, but it still remains dark and cold until March/April comes around. Yay.

In other news, after a Angry Video Game Nerd mini-marathon, I finally finished up my black and white scarf! I was making it mostly to use up my black yarn and once it started to tangle up near the end, I decided to finish it up. It's at a nice length and I like the way it wraps around my neck. Makes it looks like I'm wearing a stylish turtle neck except without the rest of the sweater.

I'm studying for my Spanish Exam by reading a Spanish version of Tokyo Mew Mew the library discarded and put up for sale for 50 cents. It takes me much longer to read it than if it was in English and usually I just get the gist of it rather then understand the specific meaning, but it's still a lot more fun than just re-reading all the various tenses in my notes.

I'm getting the usual winter cold with the sore throat and urge to cough. I'm rarely sick enough that I actually stay home, though. Nah, I'm usually sick enough to stay at home at the worst possible moment, like that one year I got sick the very day before I was supposed to go to ISTA in London where I would finally get the chance to see Wicked for the first time ever. I still haven't seen that musical...


hobbies, knitting, random stuff

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