Fashion Annoyance

Mar 16, 2010 21:06

I'm not a fashionista. Sometimes I have random spurts of fashion where I look at 17 magazine and give a slight damn about what I'm wearing. But for the most part, I'm fine wandering around in a baggy shirt with a short skirt.

That ain't all right with my mom, however. She's the fashionista of the family and often times I'll have to change my clothes or give up an adorable piece at the store because of what she says about my fashion. Now, don't get me wrong, she's the entire reason I don't look like a pig sty every day, but she so often gets on my nerves. I'll chill at home wearing whatever I want when my mom comes up and seems friendly at first, but then suddenly spews all of this fashion critic and usually has me changing again. This was especially prevalent in my younger days, and boy did she fuel my hatred of fashion. I still remember one time picking out an outfit of jeans and a white collar shirt and thinking my mom would actually approve of this choice. Next morning she notices my outfit and tells me "You can't wear this, the fabric doesn't match." The meaning of this sentence still baffles me to this day.

Anyhow, today my mom gave me another piece of random fashion critic, saying I should always wear a long sleeve with a short skirt, and blah-de-blah when then she tells me that since my room doesn't have curtains (it does, and they're pretty thick), the neighbors can see me so I have to always look my best, even at home.

There are so many WTF in that I'm just plain annoyed. First of all, I only have four windows in my room. One of them is a skylight, so cross that off the neighbor stalker list (unless god is watching me...). The other three windows, it's possible for people to see through, but my windows don't face any of our neighbor's houses on the left and right of us. The only house it faces is someone's backyard, and if you ignore the distance between the house and the window, no one's even living in that house! So that means my mom wants me to constantly be on my fashion guard, even in my own room, so the air won't see me dressed sloppily. I understand her wanting me to keep classy in case a random guest decides to come over, but my room? WTH mom, this is just stupid. I don't have the balls to say that to your face though, so I guess I'll just bitch to LJ about it. It's these fashion critics from my mom that makes me look forward to living on my own at college where I can dress however I damn want to.

In a slightly random note, lets talk about swearing. While I don't mind hearing it and I swear a lot in my mind, I don't talk that often so I don't swear out loud that often. The few times I did swear, my mom would say "Don't swear, it doesn't really suit you." I was in a pissy mood when she said that, so I just ignored it as something a normal parent would say. Later on, there's a guy I sit next to in a writing class at my school and let me just say he is great. He's friendly, charismatic, and he's like a personal confidence coach to me, even though we only really talk to each other during the writing class. He's just great. Anyhow, I was in another grumpy mood and when the guy asked me about something, I used sarcasm and maybe a swear word. "Don't use sarcasm, it doesn't really suit you." he said, and I just did a double take. I guess I don't seem to be the sarcastic type nor the swearing type in other people's eyes.


life, school

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