Nov 22, 2004 18:03
ok so besides stealin lyrics from john mayer...*faints* i've been up to absolutely nothing....the women went to this workshop for women today and it was by far very very VERY interesting to say the least.... i certainly felt very talented... yeah so it was fun but i still say that it's not a party unless the men go because they actually make every thing awesomely fun...hehehehehe.... i don't know what your nasty mind is thinking... i'm just suggesting that it'd be fun if a couple guys made an unexpected visit to a auditorium for of giddy chickies!!!! lol!!!! anywho.... i'm helping gabbie out tomorrow with some music theroy homework... mostly during against 6th hour but also partically after school too... i figiured it be ok b/c cheerios has solo and ensamble... i just have to wrap it up by 3:30 or i may get fired!!!! lol i honestly don't care anymore...... anywho there is honestly NOTHING to do at either one of my houses anymore b/c everything is just grrrrr.... i probably should do my myths and legends homework but how hard could it be to quickly write something on the loch ness monster...especially with all the time i have to kill tonight... alrighty then...i'm off... peace!!!!
love you all more than a fat kid loves twinkies!!!
~*~amy mo~*~