Jul 13, 2006 08:02
I am bored out of my face. Work starts at 9:00 am. (hardly on the dot). So why do I need to be here at 7:40? I'm not really sure but it's evillllllldoooooooom. Mostly I sit around and eat and be fat and it's lovely. But I would much rather sit around and sleep and be fat, which is much lovelier (<--is that word spelt very wrong?) either way, I am bored oh so very bored bored bored, thrice bored if you will, and now I am off to play with the white out and perhaps eat a candy bar to add to my already monstrous breakfast of a bagel with creamcheese and also oatmeal with lots of sugar and raisins. LOTS OF SUGARRRRRRRRR. but not so many raisins. Ah well...