Jan 15, 2006 11:34
Let's see...
I'm having a few issues with this "cool" thing. Like I'm learning quite a few people believe they have the upper hand over underclassmen simply because well they are juniors and the other people are slopmores-frosh etc. Now don't get me wrong, I do it all the time. I'm outgoing and fun with people who I think are def in my league or below and everyone just wayy to cool for me, I'm like uh, yeah. Gonna go die now. I however do not believe so much that your age and grade define your status. I am a firm believer that majority of the frosh are cooler than I and I have absolutely no bearing or power over their life in the hallways of GL.
I would just like to make that known. Not for any intent or purpose. Just throwing it out there. Being a bit of a verbal litterbug if you will.
I'm procrastinating because I don't want to start getting ready for this sweet sixteen. I mean I always look ridiculously hott but it takes a longgg time to look that good. heehee. The best is you have to make it look like you're not really wearing make-up and your hair just happens to fall fabulously like that on a regular partay basis. gah. And i have to bathe. That stinks. AND!!!! I washed my hair yesterday so it would look cute in case I saw Danny <3<3 but now I have to wash it again so I can wear it down without greasy roots and it's gonna be deaddeaddead tonighttttt. (if you heard me perform my marvelous speech in english you would know what I'm talking about.)
So I ran in the track meet the other night and it was just so boring. There are no words. I just couldn't have cared less. Before and during it, there was just no adreline rush. I don't know why I do track. I mean I know why I do it, it's so I can be skinny. But I would so so so much rather do drama. There is a rush I just love!!! The whole time, like from right before you go onstage until you get offstage you're just ononongoingoingoing and it's the most amazing feeling. I love it. You feel alive, which is funny because you're definitely pretending to be someone else, so you would think you'd feel like eh, but it's just amazing. Like doing my english thing, I thought I was going to be sick before I got up there and then I did it and it was so so so much fun. gahhhh. No words can explain it. Something about you being able to perform and give pleasure to other people through that is just totally cool.
Plus on stage everyone pays attention to you and lord knows I love when people pay attention to me. :P.
You're the one I want, You're the one I need, Girl, What can i doooooo? -*NSYNC baby. hahahaha.
I'm about to get my ass handed to me on a platter this week, because I'm handing in like 80 grades and they're all coming back bad. But you know what? My life is pretty dominant right now and I love it. Everyone was complaining they don't have a car or someone has a better car or someone has a boyfriend or a cuter butt. And you know what? If you want a car, buy a car. Or if you can't afford a car, make friends with someone who has a hott car. There are a million wayys to solve these problems and really you're life cannot possibly suck horribly if the worst thing ever is your parents won't buy you a loaded BMW. Plus, my friends are amazing, I'm so hott, it snowed, I finally figured out how to wear my hair down and it's generally sunny outside. These are all good things. Life is just such a good thing.