Mar 15, 2007 00:08
There is no such thing as a deep connection between a group of human beings. Friendships aren't really friendships. I can only seem to be happy by being stupid, but that doesn't make me happy either. The only times I have been happy in the last few months were when I was under the influence, simply because it is easy to be happy with superficial when that seems all that exists. I am so fucking exhausted.
I seriously need something to get behind or something that makes things seem to matter, but even that would seem to be settling. I am tired of having to take less than I want simply because of the laws of reality.
I want happiness, and I am incapable of achieving that. Apparently the only kind of being happy that still exists is the kind that is synonymous with settling. "It isn't perfect, but I am happy with it..."
I think a lot, and people wonder why. It isn't because I need to know everything to be happy. For a long time my thoughts have not been geared towards understanding for understanding's sake, but instead understanding so I can change the way I think so that I can finally find a way to make life what it is supposed to be.
In the stereotypes the kids of rich parents are spoiled and stupid. Often times though, they are educated and intellegent. What would it be to be raised rich and intellegent? Imagine a person who is educated enough to know that wealth is a blessing, and as so treats it as such. They would have grown with the ability to attain the physical things they desired, and the intelligence to only really desire realistic things, both mentally and physically. They would never learn to settle. They would never ever be happy with life simply because reality can be a drag if you don't learn to ingnore it, and the fact that they couldn't change it would destroy them.
I want meaning.